
The Seasonable Fashionista Giveaway

Darlings, need I remind you that, while each and every one of us favors a particular time of year (for me, it’s fall!), we must welcome all four seasons with open arms, and accept the special gift proffered from them all. As Yoko Ono once said, “Spring passes and one remembers one's innocence. Summer passes and one remembers one's exuberance. Autumn passes and one remembers one's reverence. Winter passes and one remembers one's perseverance.” These are words to live by, my loves, as they are an uncomplicated way of shedding light upon the beauty of life – year-round! I know, I know; you may find it simpler to cook the hearty meals required to get you through a long winter, or perhaps dressing for the sultry summer is more appealing than layering for the cool chill of fall. Regardless of your preference, surviving twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week, three-hundred and sixty-five days a year is possible – at least according to Mireille Guiliano. Brace yourselves, kitty cats…something wondrous this way comes. In true seasonable style, Café Fashionista has teamed up with Vintage Books to bring not one, not two, but three (3) of you lovable lambs Mireille Guiliano’s French Women for All Seasons; a follow-up to her bestseller French Women Don’t Get Fat, full to the brim with yummy recipes, and even yummier tips on entertaining, grooming, shopping, exercising, cooking, and everything in between to ensure that you live your life to the fullest from beginning to end! To Enter The Seasonable Fashionista Giveaway: For one (1) entry, leave a comment on this post between now and Thursday, March 25, 2010 at midnight PST. For two (2) entries, Twitter about this giveaway, and leave a comment on this post between now and Thursday, March 25, 2010 at midnight PST with your Twitter URL. For three (3) entries, become a follower of Café Fashionista on Blogger/Google Reader/Google Friend Connect/Twitter, and leave a comment on this post between now and Thursday, March 25, 2010 at midnight PST (if you are already a Café Fashionista follower, please say so in your comment). I will randomly pick three (3) names out of a hat (who knows, one of them could be yours!), and announce the winners on Friday, March 26, 2010. Good luck everyone! And yes, this Giveaway is open to everyone – U.S. or International residents! Fashionably yours! Thanks to The Hippo for the picture.


Amber said...

I agree I love fall, Spring is a close second!

elle said...

I loved the first book, would love to have the 2nd book. Love your blog.

Anonymous said...

Lovely!! great giveaway girl!

Kristen Gillette said...

This is an awesome giveaway! I already follow your blog!

Suburban prep said...

I so need to find out the answers. This looks like a book that will give me the answers.
msgb245 at gmail dot com

Daydream Believer said...

3 entries for me!! WOO HOO!! jamiejenson10@gmail.com

Erin said...

This looks wonderful! :-) Fall is my favorite season too.

I'm a follower!

Happy weekend.

tam pham said...

i hope i win! happy friday! xoxo. ps. im a new follower :-)!

Scientific Housewife said...

What a great giveaway!

pranita said...

Ah! I'm so curious to read mirelle guiliano's books!

pranita319 at gmail dot com

Scientific Housewife said...

I also tweeted about it (SciHousewife). :)

Tiffany Kadani said...

Awesome giveaway! I'm such a francophile it's ridiculous. Let's all go to Paris, soon!

Josie said...

What a stellar giveaway! I'm a follower -- aka I'm more or less obsessed with your blog...
xxoo Josie

Veronika said...

I'm so happy that spring is FINALLY here! Yaay :)

Btw great giveawy, count me in :)


Anonymous said...

Ooo thanks for the wonderful giveaway. I'm sure whoever gets it will be thrilled.



Maddy said...

This is an awesome giveaway! I really do hope I get lucky with this one :)

*I am a faithful follower :)
*I will post about this on twitter asap! Twitter name: Maddytweetz

Have a great weekend, love!

Alicia Lund said...

even though i'm super excited for spring right now, fall IS my favorite season as well!! i'm definitely a jeans and sweater kind of girl. happy friday!! this book is such a great giveaway! ;)

Shop N' Chomp said...

What a fun giveaway! Please count me in. =D

Rock Couture said...

You I know I love and follow you xoxo

SabinePsynopsis said...

Fabulous give-away (we all want to know the little secrets of French women, don't we?). Summer will always be my favourite season!

Connie @ Sogni e Sorrisi said...

How great! I'm a follower of your lovely blog.

Frannie said...

I'm a follower (of course!)
and I will tweet this asap. This is so exciting, I will be that much closer to having the perfect personal library.

Angelique said...

Already a follower and really would love this, i adored the first book...I could review it on my blog too!!

Have a great day and thanks for running the contest

Francy said...

What a lovely giveaway! My favorite season is Spring. Count me in! And I'm a follower with Google Friend Connect ;-)


JennieDang said...

Ahhh!!! Another give-a-way! Thanks so much :D I'm a follower.

Lauren said...

i loved her first book - french women dont get fat! so many wonderful, simple recipies!

liz said...

Ooh I'd love to win this and read it! I'm a follower!

Couture Carrie said...

Fab giveaway, darling!

Enjoy your weekend!


Jessi said...

What a fun book! Here is my twitter URL: http://twitter.com/jessiday
And of course I'm a follower :)

Happy weekend lovely!!
xoxo J

Shopgirl said...

I would love this book!!! I'm a follower now and retweeted!! :) xx

Louise Mc said...

Autumn is definitely my time of year ... not least because that's when my birthday comes. I am however loving the current spring freshness that we have.


O said...

Great giveaway!

I already follow on Google Reader, and just tweeted (oohlalacherie).

Claire Kiefer said...

AND I am a faithful follower ;)

Claire Kiefer said...

What great spring spirit! I love it!

class act said...

I read that book! It's absolutely fabulous!!

class act said...

I read that book! It's absolutely fabulous!!

Tights Lover said...

Loved the first book (which I read thanks to you!).

Maria V said...

I hope I win, that dress is divine! You're great Erika!

xoxo Maria at www.BachmansSparrow.com

Leia said...

Enter me please! :)

Sherin said...

Great giveaway! I'm also a follower via blogger.

Anonymous said...

Fabulous Friday giveaway! I would love some great reading material for Spring Break. Have a great weekend Erika!

I'm also a follower!

Tiffany Kadani said...

And I just tweeted!

J. said...

Great giveaway! I've read one of the authors previous book, and it was definately well written and interesting.


I love a good recipe book! xo


Emily said...

I tweeted - www.twitter.com/secret_doors
and I am a follower of course :)

Laura Gerencser said...

I'm a follower!!!:):)

Laura Gerencser said...

laura gerencser at roadrunner.com

Denisa L said...

Count me in,I'm a follower!The book sounds great!

Michael St. James said...

My favorite season is fall too! Love the crisp breeze and foliage. What an awesome giveaway. Lovely blog!


Leah said...

I love the first book and this sequel could be another great read. I'm a follower Erika! xoxo

Carolina Andrade said...

bonjour cherie, love your blog and i follow through reader. thanks again

zupu said...

I have two of her books, including this one and I adore them! She has a point and encourages women to enjoy the life to it's fullest without feeling guilty about bad eating habits!
Lovely weekend to you dear!

Unknown said...

What a fun giveaway!!!

I am already a follower. :)

Style with Benefits said...

Erika, fab giveaway! I have never read any of her books, but these sound wonderful. And I follow you on Twitter!

Fingers are crossed. :)

xo, becs

B a la Moda said...

Just followed you on Twitter! Follow me, girl!

B* a la Moda

B a la Moda said...

Just Tweeted.-

B* a la Moda

B a la Moda said...

Nice giveaway! I am glad it is open to international readers!! Do I have to leave three comments if I do the three thing? I will do just in case.

B* a la Moda

Christina said...

never read any of her books but the books seem interesting the first book also seems like a very good read...love the blog as well
keeping my finger crossed! :)

Giovanna&Roberta said...

Thank you so much darling for your comment! Hoping we'll be lucky at this "Art and Crafts market" selling many creations!

drollgirl said...

what a rad giveaway! please count me in! :)

ToBeDetermined said...

I really liked Mireille Guiliano's first book. I bet the second one is just as lovely.

Kayla said...

I am a summer person. But I think it comes with all the stuff that goes on around here for it. I also follow you on twitter and google reader!!!


Closet Cravings said...

I heard this book is fabulous. Love when you do book giveaways.

Erin said...

What a fabulous giveaway - count me in!

Jen said...

Oh yes please, Erika! These books look fab!

Jen said...

and i'm a follower on google reader.

Jen said...

ooh I'd love this!

Jen Hsieh said...

awww this is the cutest giveaway! (and my favorite season is the fall too!) :)

I'm a google follower! crossing my fingers.

Anonymous said...

I was looking for Handbags and was wondering if Charlotte Russe is the best designer for Handbags?

Roxanne said...

Ooh, sounds like a fun book. I would love to add it to my collection. :)

Sang said...

i'd like to read the followup. :] french women dont get fat, it was a good book. :] nice to be back here. great writing as always.

Jennifer Fabulous said...

This is SUCH a fabulous giveaway! You always have the best ones. :) This book looks amazing and perfect for spring.

Jennifer Fabulous said...

And I am already a follower!! Yay!

Jennifer Fabulous said...

I tweeted. I am Jenniferb02.

Unknown said...

Autumn is the best season; yellowish leaves decorating the streets, the beggining of the "hot chocolate" phase, the change between summer and winter, the urge of getting closer and closer to christmas... priceless!
Great giveaway, those books sound pretty interesting.. xoxo

Unknown said...

wat is this give away contest for all people in the world or few people

Unknown said...

yeah i got it now

nice post
enjoy have a great week end

brown said...

i am very fond of your blog. very peaceful and pretty background.

FashionJazz said...

Luv ur give away hun!!! My favourite season right now is fall : ) I am a google follower hun! Mwah xx

Bonnibella said...

I read French women don't get fat and wholeheartily agree!

Novie said...

Great giveaways...

TheSlimGirl said...

Great blog.

Cindy / Aka Chymecindy said...

i just found your blog. and i really like it.

Anonymous said...

looks like a great competition!

Charlie said...

im already a follower, enter me please! :)

VAMPIRES-AND-CARDIGANS.BLOGSPOT.COM - Dont forget to enter the Giveaway!


Sunshine Sarah said...

Cute giveaway! ^.^

Sunshine Sarah said...

And I already am a follower of this blog. :)

Sunshine Sarah said...

Twittered about it here: http://twitter.com/Aleka_Sarah/status/10771387188

Audrey Allure said...

I'm a follower via Google Connect :)

Audrey Allure said...

What a great read, and great giveaway!

Alison Kinsey said...

hey lovely lady! i found your blog via mara's, and your comment on the gaslamp quarter (san diego is by far my favorite city EVER!) so i knew i had to check out your blog. those books look great! i love reading memoirs. have a great weekend!

Hélène Heath said...

Looks like such a cute read! Sign me up! Does following with bloglovin count? Cause i am ;)

kiwaczek2 said...

cool! lots of entries I see, everyone wants sth free. so I posed on Twitter of course http://twitter.com/kiwaczek2
Hope I win sth:D

Terence Sambo said...

haha, well said by Yoko Ono...gr8 words

vicky h. said...

what a cute giveaway!! i looove following your blog and being greeted by all your new posts on my dashboard :)



S.Elisabeth said...

Count me in! This looks like utter perfection! I've twittered and I'm a follower!

Eternal*Voyageur @ Venusian*Glow said...

Pick me !!!

the_eternal_voyageur at rediffmail dot com

Gabby / Gypsy*Diaries said...

woohoo Erika such a lovely giveaway, would love to win the book! :) Have a fabulous weekend! xxx

Punctuation Mark said...

I loved the first book! have a great weekend!

Marie said...

What a lovely giveaway! I am a google reader follower.

Longuette said...

here I am! the 102 on 101 participants.
Love your blog ♥



Anonymous said...

I love the summer. It's like Ada Louise Huxtable said: Summer is the time when one sheds one's tensions with one's clothes, and the right kind of day is jeweled balm for the battered spirit. A few of those days and you can become drunk with the belief that all's right with the world.

Midnight Cowgirl said...

What a great giveaway!

olygirl said...

oooooh la la! Please enter me for this fabulos giveaway!--- Amy


Anonymous said...

I haven't read either, they sound so interesting!!



p.s. I'm a follower!

AA said...

I love all things French! I don't know why, since I've never even been there. But for the longest time I've had a fascination with anything French. This book seems like my cup of tea...or coffee =D

AA said...

I love all things French! I don't know why, since I've never even been there. But for the longest time I've had a fascination with Paris and French culture. This book seems like my cup of tea...or coffee! =)

Bridget Laine said...

Cafe Fashionista is very cool :o) And I love contests! I will spread the word on Twitter.

Bridget Laine said...

I've been twittering the good news about CafeFashionista's contest!!


Shannon of HAPPINESS IS said...

What a cute book! I want! Thanks for the giveaway my dear :) xo

Zara said...

Oooh I would love to win this :) Thank you for being an international giveaway!

I'm a follower on google friend (the thing in your sidebar) and have tweeted about it on twitter.com/geisharocks - hope thats all i need for the 3 entries!

geisha x

Nicole Marie said...

yes please!!! anything about how to be chic and french i need :)

chelsea said...

Ooo, I want!

Jennifer Axcell said...

I honeymooned in Paris... love the women there. I think this book is just what I need to tap into my inner Parisian woman.

Jennifer Axcell said...

tweeted, following, and posting comment #2 (hope I win).

Sean Gilmore said...

i gotta say, spring is my favorite season!
this book looks awesome too. :)

Sean Gilmore said...

i am a follower on twitter and on google connect too!

___sean___ is my twitter!

Sean Gilmore said...


i tweeted!

Brian said...

For three (3) entries: already a Café Fashionista follower

Brian said...

For two (2) entries: http://twitter.com/brianosaurusrex

Brian said...

♥For one (1) entry: I love your giveaways!

Maria said...

I adooooore Vintage Books! (1 entry) http://twitter.com/whoaitsm (2 entries) and I was already a Café Fashionista follower (3 entries)

eric said...

i think i was already a cafe fashionista follower

eric said...


eric said...

does this count as (1) entry? it just says leave a comment on the post

Jessica said...

Already a Café Fashionista follower!

Jessica said...

Wow, I just watched Julie & Julia and the recipes in that book would be perfect!

caitlin said...

i hope i win... lol

caitlin said...

i was already a follower before i started entering this contest

caitlin said...

i weeted and heres my twitter url for prroof http://twitter.com/whoaitsc

Beth said...

LOVE your site, and especially the way you think!

Metta said...

Love this giveaway and this book is so adorable .
I've twitted http://twitter.com/metta_lavoie.
And I was your follower already .
so 3 entries and count me in ! Really hope I can win this giveaway .

xoxo , Metta

Elly said...

Lovely giveaway, and very appropriate for the finally-changing season!

And I am a follower. :)

Lila said...

Would love it! Great blog

I am already a follower.

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