Don’t get me wrong, my loves; I am not instructing you to cast off your non-denim accoutrements, or go completely in the opposite direction and drastically drape yourself in head to toe denim. Take my word for it, neither is a very good idea. The truth of the matter is every girl deserves a divine piece of denim in her wardrobe to add a pinch of pizzazz to anything in her closet which falls flat, yet retains the ability to be downright fabulous if only given a chance – from a flowy floral frock to a standard white tank. And no form of denim seems to be as capable of accomplishing all of the above, and then some, better than a vest. Specifically, Paige Premium’s Denim Vermont Vest.
Darlings a vest, especially those crafted out of denim, is a universally flattering item which juxtaposes between rugged grunge and refined glamour depending upon how you style it. Not one ounce of these factors is lost upon Paige Premium’s pretty.
Embellished with an ever so slightly rebellious fraying about the sleeves, and constructed out of a blend of caicos-colored cotton and spandex, the Denim Vermont Vest possesses all of the qualities of true denim; yet harbors the

Yes dolls, I know, the $189.00 required to make the Denim Vermont Vest your own would keep you in true stunning splendor for the remainder of the year; yet the triple digit asking price has the potential to leave your struggling bank account hanging on by a thread – a worry you need not have with the AE Denim Vest.
For $29.95, American Eagle’s Paige Premium look-alike gives you the chance to make your denim dreams a reality, at a price that leaves you with some extra cash so you can indulge in a little fun in the sun!
Tell me, kittens…will you be a big spender and go for Paige Premium, or be thrifty and spring for American Eagle?
Fashionably yours!
Thanks to Revolve Clothing and AE for the pictures.
Don't forget to enter the Real Fashionistas Wear Aprons Giveaway for your chance to win a fabulous retro/vintage apron from Christa Taylor.
definitely thrifty!!! I actually prefer the look of the AE!
Bikinis & Passports
no money to spend..American Eagle for me:)
I just bought a jean vest...its a different style. Now i want the one from AE. Super cute!
29.95? That's perfect, thanks for the tip off!
Enter my giveaway darlin!
xoxo Jolie
I like the vest from AE!
I really like the idea behind a denim vest. I used to have a denim jacket, and liked the rugged/feminine qualities depending on how I styled it. Maybe I should look into this AE one...
American Eagle for sure! looks better and is cheaper ;)
I love the AE one =) xo
Such a great buy! The jean vest really is needed in a wardrobe. So versatile! Totally forgot about it!
Definitely rhe American Eagle one, its more rugged which suits the whole look more.
ive been trying to invest in something denim for a while, and i think something along the lines of this would be perfect!
lots of love xxx
I can't imagine myself sporting a denim vest, but if I decided to give this trend a go, I would definitely go for the AE one. Yu can't beat the $29.95 price tag!
oh my, i love jean jackets!! :)
Definitely thrifty- I will only spend more than $100 on jeans if they are meant to flatter my butt.
I don't have a denim jacket at all. I know! This is madness. Everytime (and it's a lot) I want to it never felt right. PS... never the denim on denim unless you are Thomas Kinkade (eek!)
ae! way cheaper and looks nicer
Erika!! A month or so ago, an AE flyer came to the apartment and I told Kyle the only thing I liked was that vest!! lol great mind think alike :)
I actually like your find much more Erika!! its really cute! Its so funny..about denim! totally coming back full force! super ;)
oh my goodness i LOVE the AE one!! I think I need it!!!! ;)
In this case I think your budget friendly find looks just as nice, if not even better, that the splurge item. I love it!
As I already have an old denim jacket that I use a lot, I have been reluctant to spend a whole lot on a vest too. But at the AE price, I'd buy it in a flash if I could get my hands on it.
I want a jean vest too... I have to check out the AE version. xoxo
That's a Texas staple with daisy dukes.
The AE one is a great lookalike, although I must admit that I absolutely cannot pull off a denim vest!
xxoo Josie
I can't get into the denim vest, but the AE one looks wonderful and they usually make some pretty good quality clothing! xo
Love denim, specially a denim vest like this one in the pic.
Thanks Erika for your lovely and sweet comment on my last post, really great to get such positive feed back.
have a super day.
Oh, I used to rock one of these in high school... ahh, the gold old days ;-) I'd definitely go for the thrifty version... as cool as this look is, I don't think I could justify spending that much on something I might not wear constantly!
You can easily thrift a denim jacket and cut off the sleeves! ;D
Enter to win a William Riera dress!
even though i dress quite black, i wouldn't mind a bit of denim.
Definitely American Eagle, solely because it's one of my favorite brands!
I have a denim vest and love, love it. Very versatile, goes with many different looks, can be dressed up or down. A great investment!
love it! i'll be heading to primark though, being the skint girl that i am :)
aw that's great i was just wondering where to buy a nice denim vest
actually, i think i'll skip the denim vest altogether, and go with a jacket in a light blue wash instead... had a vest back in middle school, and i kind of hate the thought of it now..
I'll Rock American Eagle any day... Bring it on :) xoxoxo
Happy Tuesday Miss Erika! Those denim vests are so rocker chic. I could definitely see them worn with a floral dress for spring. I love American Eagle!
what a great deal! although I'm not sure i could pull it off haha
This week I'm saving my pennies and going for the thrifty version. I can imagine this with a long floral maxi dress, gladiator sandals and aviator sunnies - summer perfection! :)
I don't usually go for denim, but AE is defnitely my pick! I've missed your posts this week, will have to look back to catch up!
Hahahaha..I just might rip the sleeves off my old deninum jacket. I've been wondering what to do with that old thing.
Great ideas!
I always have such an urge to wear a floral dress, Converse and a denim jacket.
i tend to lean towards the thrifty side for trendy items.. not sure i could pull off a denim vest anymore though
i don'tt hink it matters wheres its from,, as long as you love it :)
Very cute! Love it alot... :)
thrifty and not even one from a normal store- go to a thrift store and find a denim jacket and cut off the sleeves.
I actually like the AE version better! I have one from H&M a few seasons ago that I still like, but it's been so cold here lately that I'm more likely to reach for a denim jacket. :) I love your Tightwad Tuesdays, Erika!
i've always loved a classic denim vest.
I have a feeling the vest would not wear me well ;)... though it is always fun to poor over your post!
Def thrifty- though I don't think this is exactly my style, I can picture a fabulous rockstar look w/ leather or hippie look w/ a floral dress. :)
I actually like the AE one better. I like the worn, edgy look! I kinda wanna go buy this now... like after work tomorrow. Jeez-la-weez, Erika! Look what you have done. Your making me even more broke haha
brilliant, yet again! I saw an article recently which proclaimed the "Canadian tuxedo" was back, and i have to say I was fearful at first~ but I can totally see modernizing a piece such as a clever jean vest :)
I really like the AE one! My mom just gave me a cast-off denim jean jacket though (since she can't wear that one to work since it has 'Jacobs' on the buttons haha), so I'm ready to put a lil' denim in my wardrobe. Great finds Erika :)
denim is the true epitome of a staple. not one fashionista could live without it!
I love the AE one, actually. And the price isn't so bad either ;)
I'm strangely anti-denim... can't really pin point why, but it just doesn't do it for me... however, I love the way a denim vest or jacket looks over a pretty floral dress (just not on me for some reason). I actually prefer the AE one - perfectly distressed!
This chica is making me miss my long hair. Maybe I'll just have to grow it out again!
And yes you should definitely try out the Urban Decay 24/7 eyeliners. They have the prettiest and boldest colors. And they stay put. A must for emotional people like me. ;)
I actually like the AE version a LOT better than the Paige expensive one! (-:
i'm not sure if i could rock this, but you found the perfect inspiration item!
Under 30 bucks???? NEED!
I actually don't own one but this post has inspired me to get one now ;-)
ps - what is ur email addy doll?
Hey hun! I luv denim, luv ur inspiration! Hope u are having a lovely week! xxx
For this, thrifty!
beautiful jacket
i love jeans
I think I like the AE one better actually- very cute. I don't know if I could do this without looking like a man but I love the idea of it.
American Eagle for sure! I love how the look of a denim vest can create both an edgy rocker chick look as well as a more preppy. Great post and great bargain, Erika!!! :)
The denim jacket is really young and reminds me of the......80s?90s?
I really want a denim vest! They look so cute with dresses. I definitely prefer the AE one. It's a lot more casual.
This would look ridic on me but for those who can pull it off it would look just gorgeous :)
I'll stick with good 'ol Gap denim-- fits me to a tee!
Ohhhhhh... head to toe denim not good? But I love it! Great finds both, but this time I actually find the cheaper version more attractive (better colour and more figure-hugging).
I actually like the look of the American Eagle one best. So I will definitely be thrifty this time!
I am almost cutting my denim jacket to have a great vest like this!
not very like this look :> it is not for me :D
As a gal who doesn't wear denim all the time, I would go with the thrifty AE version. It would be more of an experiment for me!
I want...
i'm either going to AE or a thrift store - soon!
I like the AE one better! I tend to prefer darker washes for denim in general.
xoxo J
thrifty all the way!
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