
Why Don't You...?

…unearth your packed away treasure trove of vintage fashion magazines and reacquaint yourself with the styles of yesteryear?

…forget what mommy dearest told you and indulge in dessert for dinner? Replace colorless chicken with Chocolate Mousse Cakes from Dean & Deluca; forgo a side of carrots for Cannoli Minis; turn your nose up at soggy mashed potatoes and instead spoil yourself with Apple Strudel. As long as you share your dessert with me kittens, your scandalous behavior will remain our little secret.

…cast all thoughts of buyer’s remorse aside and splurge on that Foley + Corinna Jet Setter Jr. Tote you’ve been eyeing for so long? Tuck it in to bed next to you for safekeeping during slumber, admire it in all of its elegant equestrian beauty, and wear it with pride. Why? That’s easy darlings…because you’re worth it!

…take a fashion-inspired mental health day? Ring up your place of employment or call in sick to school, stock up on Yummy Cupcakes, and settle down for a girls’ day in with Carrie Bradshaw, Samantha Jones, Charlotte York, and Miranda Hobbes.

…tuck your sparkling baubles into the dark depths of your dresser drawer and replace them with yummy accessories that you can eat? Nibble on a necklace in between your hair and nail appointments; savor a sucker styled as a ring while waiting in line at the supermarket; chomp on a charm bracelet during cram sessions. Go ahead darlings; spoil your sweet tooth and your craving for playful panache!

Fashionably yours!

Thanks to We ♥ It for the picture.

Don't forget to enter the Time After Time Orient Automatic Watch Giveaway for your chance to win a watch from Orient Watch USA.


Anonymous said...

I will definitely replace dinner with cake! I do all the time haha


Love that photo you picked out! It is beautiful. I agree on the dessert for dinner part. Yummy! xo


Rock Couture said...

I love cupcakes... Great post!

Jessica said...

I love it! Dessert for dinner def sounds good to me. Especially one of those molten lava cakes that just melt in your mouth!! mmm...now I want one!

Stéphanie said...

So great post my dear Erika !

Daydream Believer said...

Cupcakes and Sex and the City sounds AWESOME.

Leah said...

I always love your Why Don't You posts... this one is filled with yummy goodies from the dessert to the cupcakes to the edible baubles. Have a sweet Wednesday Erika! xoxo

noone said...

hehe I wish I can call in sick for work and stuff myself with cupcakes! hmmmmm there's an idea for next week ;)

Anonymous said...

I agree to all these things! Love the indulging in desserts and having a Sex & The City marathon. All very lovely ideas!

Rachel @ The Haute Notes said...

I have a lot of fashion magazines lying around. They're always fun to look through!

The chocolate mousse cakes sound delicious!

Josie said...

You write in such a charming way -- I love it! And these posts are always my favorites -- in the midst of midterm disastrousness (which I have just deemed a word), I haven't eaten a real dinner in weeks. And I can't wait to go home next week and dust off the late-90s Teen magazines that I started getting at age 8, unbeknownst to my mother... I was quite the crafty child ;)
xxoo Josie

Chicago Chic said...

OH Erika the first 2 ideas are my favourite! I LOVE having dessert for dinner, actually my 2 girlfriends and I had chocolate crepes for dinner one night last year and it was so much fun. I have quite a sweet tooth so of course I love this idea. Chocolate mousse cakes!? Sounds delicious! :) Oh and that photo is just gorgeous, I love the colours & lighting and she looks adorable!


Jaime @ laviejaime said...

I am dying for one f the Foley + Corinna mid city totes, actually! Oh I wish... :)

Roxanne said...

Ooh, I love eating dessert for dinner. So wonderful. xo

Tiffany Kadani said...

As usual, all great ideas. I just posted a picture of a peanut butter pie with candied bacon on top, so in my mind that has all you need for a well rounded dinner. Sweet and savory, yes?

And I can't even remember the last time I ate edible jewelry. Beautiful picture, also.

Joanne said...

I like the first suggestion, to browse through vintage fashion magazines. Then to take it one step further, pick some small look or accessory and bring it to our look today, putting a vintage stamp on our style :)

Olivia said...

I love these articles! :)

Denisa L said...

loving the Dace picture and the Foley+Corinna bag is gorgeous:x
want one:)

The Trendy Fashionista said...

Amazing post. I love reading it. Have a wonderful week

-The Trendy Fashionista

Sara said...

my favorite post of yours!!! :D

They all sound wonderful! I totally would sleep with the bag in my bed lol!


Connie @ SogniESorrisi said...


Posh Peach said...

Great ideas!!! I love to dessert for dinner :)

Mara said...

I'd love to take a fashion-inspired mental health day! I wish!!

English Rose ♥ said...

I've decided i'm going to keep a note of all of your 'why don't you' posts and then just do them. You just have the best, most inspiring ideas

Thanks so much for stopping by darling =]

Stay safe and chic ma chérie,
English Rose x

Devea said...

I would seriously love to try all of these ideas! They sound.....relaxing!


Maddy said...

I love the idea of a SATC sick day! Lol! You know what would be even better, if you lived close by so we could watch it together & go out afterwards for cosmos! ;o)

Ameena said...

Chocolate Mousse Cakes, Cannoli and Apple Strudel would absolutely hit the spot right now!! If only I could take a fashion inspired mental health day without getting fired. :)

I love this post!

Jen said...

I love finding old magazines! Surely the best part of having a clear out? I always end up sitting crossed legged, surrounded by junk, reading old issues of Cosmo! :)

Sherin said...

I love these ideas. Dessert for dinner seems delicious.

And the idea of edible jewellery is so amazing!

Alicia Lund said...

Oh I want to eat cupcakes and watch SATC all day long! Sounds like the best day ever!! ;)

Sierra said...

I love your cute and yummy ideas! Gee I wish my fast from sugar was over soon...have a great day doll!

Caitlin @ Candyfloss & Persie said...

I always love these! They let me disappear from my current life and float away... great attached picture, I thought that was LC for a second!

SabinePsynopsis said...

Oh, Erika, your suggestions all sound so yummy, if I want to keep my figure I better stick to no. 1 - looking at old magazines. Always fun! Maybe accompanied by a yummy cupcake... (Wouldn't hurt, would it?)

All Women Stalker said...

Oh you. Tempting me to eat sweets when there are bars and bars of chocolate in my fridge that I'm trying to avoid.

Mom Fashion World said...

Eating yummy cupcakes!
This is what I will be doing.

little luxury list said...

Ooh that Foley & Corina bag!

I love looking through old magazines too - oh the fashions and stories of yesteryear!

p.s. I have a new contest for some Spanish Damasquino 24k gold earrings - enter if you'd like!

Chic 'n Cheap Living Damasquino Gold earrings giveaway

Nubiasnonsense said...

I need a day to just put everything aside and just splurge, Oo man hopefully soon =)

Anonymous said...

Oh a mental health day with carrie and the girls is wayyy over due!

Anonymous said...

Oh a mental health day with carrie and the girls is wayyy over due!

goodwillgirl said...

Playing hookie is lovely. We did that Sunday and ate breakfast in front of the TV. The movie was "Surrogates." The weather was sunny, but cool. So we built a fire in the backyard and roasted marshmallows. I wish I could say I was dressed fashionably, but I wasn't. The ashes on my shoes were happy, however, like me.

L said...

I think the 'Why Don't You...' feature on your blog is one of my favorites! Incredibly inspiring, and they never seem recycled if you know what I mean? Sometimes I get that feeling with other bloggers, but these are always fresh enough that I want to go and do them! I particularly like the idea of a fashion-inspired mental health day ;p

Shannon of HAPPINESS IS said...

Oh yay, I love that photo. I posted the rest of them on my blog - did you see?


Just One Week said...

I had a sick day today - so luxurious!

Emily said...

you say Dean and Deluca or apple strudel and my heart SINGS! Those must be two of my favorite things :)

hey, I'm not that bad of a rhymer!

Frannie said...

I really need to sit down and work my way through all the magazines I have acquired over the past few months, my darling. Oh and I said this on my blog but I want to make sure you know I think you are awesome in several languages.

I dunno...It makes sense in my head :)


Elle said...

dessert for dinner?! you don't have to tell me twice! oh man do i want a cannoli now :)

Cara Kuhl said...

I love this ~ it's all about being a girlie girl :) I want to throw caution to the wind, eat dessert for dinner and call in sick to work to shop ~ that sounds di.vine. :)

Rachel Scarlet said...

This post just makes me drool!! lol. I want to indulge in all the yummylicious sweet desserts. geezz..

la petite fashionista said...

love that photo! i remmeber it from the dace lookbook.. & um i need to have a mental health day asap! (& i will friday as soon as i leave for spring break)

i'm craving cupcakes so badly but im trying to do no desserts/soda/fried food/bad carbs until SB!

a cherry tree said...

I think your blog would have to be one of the prettiest and most girly in the blogosphere!
It's always a joy to visit - so pretty AND positive <3 :)

As always, I love your ideas. I do dessert for dinner sometimes when alone - guilty pleasure! Preferably while watching Sex & The City or Gossip Girl = heaven!

<3 xxx

ellie said...

Those cupcakes are gorgeous! Oh, we found throw back mountain dew at the grocery store today. I've had my sugar fix and I might be up all night.

bananas. said...

if cheese counts as dessert then honey...indulge away i go!!! :)

BonBon Rose Girls Kristin said...

Cannoli minis are my poison being the dirty Italian that I am. Ah ha ha

diana said...

I love the photo you chose and you're right! It's about time I add more sweets to my diet. I've been craving cupcakes for sometime now and it's okay to indulge once in a while.

maddy said...

Hello Miss!

love the post, especially because you've included Yummy Cupcakes! They would be my weakness... cupcakes, I mean. I will most definitely post boots pictures soon!! Thanks for the compliments on my new project! :)

Stay classy!

Anonymous said...

Edible jewelry, emmm I could get use to that. It's a shame that my parents would catch me if I ate chocolate for dinner and stayed at home just to watch Sex and the City, truly a shame!

Unknown said...

I agree--a yummy desert in place of a less exciting dinner can hit the spot sometimes. Love all your suggestions! :)

I'll be having a sweet b-day breakfast with a friend tomorrow am at Manis and will think of you!!

xo Mary Jo

That Chelsea Girl™ said...

Cupcakes sound sooo good right now!

Schnappy said...

Hi! It's very interesting! Good post! :)

Bonnibella said...

You've read my mind I've been eyeing that F&C jet setter bag for a long time

The Blonde Duck said...

I need dessert for dinner...my in-laws called at 9 p.m. and said they were coming to town when they had cancelled two days ago...GOD!!!

Couture Carrie said...

Awesome post, darling!
Now I need a chocolate mousse cake!


Cindy Whitehead said...

I use your posts to give my self "permission" to do all things I really want to do but sometimes don't - like eat dessert first. enjoy myself, treat myself, etc. I really love how you inspire all of us to try it a new way with fresh eyes. Thank YOU! (-:

Anonymous said...

I love these posts. They are so refreshing :)

Embodying Fashion said...

I think tomorrow im going to do this one - take a fashion-inspired mental health day :)

Kathryn said...

"Why? Because you're worth it!" I love these posts :)

Closet Cravings said...

Hey Sweetie,
So lovin' this post. It was filled with girly goodness. Inspires me to have a dedicated girl day - one that includes a cupcake, a mag, and a romantic movie. I think you should do a dedicated post on this subject. I need more fabu ideas. =)

monica said...

i need a sex and city day!!!
and lovely photo...im gonna get dressed up to go for coffee and it's all becos of your inspiration

Jenny - pygmeestyle.blogg.se said...

I do need a fashion inspired day with cupcakes since it's snowing here again, I so want spring! But a pink macaroon might do the trick ;)

Alice said...

I came across a 1987 magazine and I fell in love wuth the blazers, harem pants, big earrings and belts! That is my latest inspiration!

J. said...

Dessert for dinner? I'm in!

Islandia Lane said...

oh how nice a girls day in with a stack of my vintage mags sounds!

Happy Friday!

WendyB said...

Dessert for dinner is nothing...I have it for breakfast, lunch AND dinner! I'm on an all-sugar diet.

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