
Style Secrets: Melissa Walker

Kitty cats, long before my discovery of i heart daily (my morning obsession read by the harsh blue glow of the computer screen before the sun has so much as deemed it appropriate to spring into action), I was convinced that IHD co-creator Melissa Walker was the best friend I never had. As the author of the Violet trilogy (Violet on the Runway, Violet by Design, and Violet In Private) – a book series which I instantly think of whenever I hear Coldplay’s Violet Hill; in addition to having worked as ELLEGirl’s Features Editor, and Editor of Seventeen Prom, I can’t help but to think that Melissa may just be one of the coolest girls on the planet. Dolls, if you weren’t already aware (though I truly hope you were!), Melissa knows precisely how to be stylish and have fun all at the very same time – case in point, jumping into a pool while wearing a Luella Bartley for Target frock (as seen in the picture above); a dress which not only survived such immersion, but still lives on today. Thus the reason I find it of the utmost importance to learn her number one style secret; and lucky for us, my loves, she was kind enough to share it! What is your number one style secret and why? MW: My style secret is just one thing. But in truth, it's hundreds of "one things." What I mean is, whenever I'm going out, I try to wear just one thing that makes me feel special. That could be Bright Coral Lipstick or the perfect clutch or bright blue tights or my grandmother's vintage sweater with a cardigan clip - these are my FAVORITES lately. Some days I have time for my special thing to be a whole ensemble, but other days it turns out to be electric blue mascara. Because even with a t-shirt and jeans, electric blue mascara can make you feel like a queen. Know what I mean? Oh, I know exactly what you mean, Melissa! My “one thing” today is my Lola and George Reef Ring. Tell me, darlings…what’s your one thing? Fashionably yours! Thanks to Melissa Walker and Etsy for the pictures. Don't forget to enter the Quick Fashion Fix Giveaway for your chance to win an Adjust-A-Button from bristols6. Don't forget to enter the Time After Time Orient Automatic Watch Giveaway for your chance to win a watch from Orient Watch USA.


meraldia said...

Erika, I gave you an award for your lovely blog that makes my day!

Devea said...

OMG Erika, I am so glad that you posted this. I found this website before and read it everyday but then I lost the link and I have been looking all over for it!! I am going to make sure to book mark this.

I really love her advice. I think I am going to try this from now on!


Joanne said...

I like the idea of wearing that one thing that makes us feel special. When I'm writing, it's a favorite silver bracelet. When I need a little luck, it's my gold star earrings. Going out, a beautiful beaded bracelet from my daughter. It changes with the situation.

Leah said...

I'm inspired by that short interview... wear one thing that "one thing" to make you feel special.

Lately, my "one thing" has been my new shoes. I create my outfit with that shoe in mind.

Have a great day Erika! xoxo

Sara said...

that picture is so cool!!! I love that she jumped into the pool! :)

My one thing is probably my engagement ring. It was my grandmothers and it is simple-sweet. Although I am always terrified that I am going to lose it.

tess said...

I like the idea of wearing one unique thing :)

Tiffany Kadani said...

Wow! I love how you have the inside scoop. One thing is a great idea. Hmmm... my one thing would have to be my abs. If my abs are feeling nice and fit then to me all my clothes immediately look better. But in terms of fashion, it would be my wedding ring because it screams "Holy Moly I am loved!"


Wow, she sounds like such a cool, fun person. I love how she jumped into the pool with that dress on =) xo


Jen said...

What a great interview! I love the photos too - so creative.

My one thing for today? My oh-so comfortable wool cardigan. I'm suffering from a weekend of excess and need to snuggle! :)

Meg said...

Lately, my one thing has been my owl ring. I just look at my hand and then I feel happier.

Rock Couture said...

She sounds like an amazing person... Great post!!

Grumpy old man said...

I guess I will sit this one out, I cannot answer your question... hehe... great post though, always interesting to read your posts as you have a special talent.

Hope your week will be great!


Leia said...

Love this! My one thing today... a cosy comfy cardigan. It is Sunday, after all! :P

K said...

At the moment, it's a big fuzzy robe. Yes, I'm lazy and procrastinating starting my day, but I feel fabulous.

Maddy said...

That's a great mantra to live by! And that Reef Ring is gorgeous! The one thing I'm wearing today is my Nars Blush. Even though I'm in yoga pants and Uggs, the slight pink on my cheeks makes me feel ultra feminine and beautiful ;o)

AlixRose said...

I read IHeartDaily as well and thats awesome that she answered this for you. I completely agree, its a lot of one things you can't live without.

Also thanks for your input on my blog. I am completely jealous that you had a wand hair color doll, she sounds awesome!

Lucia Del Pasqua said...

My today "one thing" is my new shoes, black and punk-rock style.
I wore with skinny pants and a over size t-shirt

thanks for your sweet comment

Sniff said...

Depending on the season, my one thing would change. But right now, going into spring, it has to be my beloved Ray Ban sunglasses.

Becca. said...

great interview!


Anonymous said...

Awesome! An author and former magazine editor. She's living the life I wish I am. Very cool indeed!! Have a great week Erika!!

Anonymous said...

I just discovered I Heart Daily and I love it! Great interview by the way!

From Dolly

Anonymous said...

great post! i'm like that too, i need to wear something special every day, even if it's lingerie and noone can see it..

Rick said...

Great interview, Erika. Melissa looks just as comfortable in that dress as she does in a swimsuit.

I can't think of "one thing" right now lol. I know for us guys, making sure the shoes are polished makes a big differnce on our appearance!

Sherin said...

She sounds so cool. Can she be my best friend as well? I love the fact that she went into a pool while wearing such a pretty dress.

Roxanne said...

What a sweet little post! xo

Caitlin @ Candyfloss & Persie said...

Too cute! That's a good idea.. what one thing can I choose? hmmmmmmmmm

ellie said...

I guess I love my elf lip gloss. Its the finishing touch & I'm not having to spend much.

cool interview!

H A N N A H . M A Y . R O S E . † said...

She's so fabulous!
& that 'one thing' quote = GENIUS!



Clare said...

What a delightful post! I love that photo. What an awesome chic for jumping into the pool in her LBD :)

Krislyn said...

i thoroughly enjoyed this post and the short interview...the idea of wearing ONE thing that defines your look is pretty inspirational.

Emily said...

that is a wonderful fashion piece of wisdom!
my one thing today was probably my tank top :)

Frannie said...

My one thing would have to be...my gold flower cocktail ring! Every time i wear it i get compliments and feel like a princess in it. Great post my darling!

Micaela said...

killer shot, rocked it!
love ur blog girl :)


coolboy said...

great post
erika is that you inside the water thats cool


S.Elisabeth said...

Ah I read a part of Violet on the Runway (my friend had it on my Italy trip!) I liked it! And she looks like she'd be so much fun. Love her answer!

Unknown said...

SO TRUE. If you have a single item of something, you can just put it on and feel like SHHBAAAM. I love it.

Thanks so much for stopping by!

Stephanie said...

Great interview and cute picture!

I just discovered your blog and I think its tres chic!


Rachel Scarlet said...

Oh yes Erika! We are so similar because I make it a point whenever I go out, I wear something that makes me feel special! Be it a mascara, a top etc. The one thing? M.A.C blusher which I just got.


P.S the ring is so stunningly to-die-for!

Stacy said...

Thanks for sharing! I think that "secret" is a wonderful idea.


Sarah Whitney said...

She's so right. If you have just one little thing on that makes you feel special it makes everything else come together. Loved this!

Joie de Viv said...

Thanks for the link! Love the interview and both of your "one thing". My current "one thing" is a diamond heart necklace from the hubs given to me for Valentine's Day.

xx Vivian @ http://diamondsandtulle.blogspot.com

roxanne said...

that's actually a wonderful tip, and so easy to follow too. your blog is such a little ray of sunshine, i love it.

All Women Stalker said...

Mascara.Does that count? Haha
If not, I'd have to say that filigree ring I DIY-ed last month. :)

Nina said...

Melissa is too cool for words!

dasha said...

oh, she seems amazing!

Anonymous said...

ooh i love those cardigan clips! wish they still sold those stuff...

Anonymous said...

omg, i love the photo!
so unique!

Schnappy said...

hehe, first is very funny picture! cool! :)

Jessica said...

I like to stick to one statement piece too! I really love strutting my Embellished creations honestly. I make them because I love hair fascinators, and I think they should start being worn again. I want to expand into cocktail hats as soon as I can get my hands on the right materials!

That Chelsea Girl™ said...

I have a really pretty bracelet that stands out...probably my one thing! Take care hun.

chandra h said...

ah, one thing! yes, i agree with that fashion secret. i like adding funky pop art-y touches to classic girly outfits. I had this pair of huge copper penny earrings a few years ago that i loved! (i lost them :[ )

hope your week is lovely!

<3 http://www.prettytimepiece.org

Yulia Rahmawati said...



Yulia Rahmawati
"Get Up,Survive,Go Back to The Bed"

Cindy Whitehead said...

Plesae tell Melissa that I LOVE her Violet series of books - fantastic!! Waiting for next one to come out.

bananas. said...

I love that little tidbit of advice...so simple yet effective! Will most definitely think of that when i get ready for a night of fun.

Unknown said...

This is such a wonderful reminder to feel special, to do special things for yourself. It really does matter even if you're not leaving the house! Lately my Morphine Generation tee has been making me happy; my starfish earrings and knot clutch are also little pick-me-ups that I love wearing out on a daily basis. Thanks for stopping by with birthday wishes--hoping you're having a sweet Monday!

xo Mary Jo

Gorgeous Glam said...

Great post! Your blog is too fab girl! xoxo

SabinePsynopsis said...

I'm with Melissa - my one thing could be red lipstick, a pair of dangly earrings or a super pair of heels. (Couldn't we share your best friend, Erika?)

Shannon of HAPPINESS IS said...

I think for me, it's faux eyelashes! I'm addicted to them and they make me feel like a 60's Bardot :) xo

La Mimi said...

Great interview!
Thank you so much for sharing :)
You have a lovely blog here, will definitely be back :)


Rachel @ The Haute Notes said...

Great post! I love the idea of wearing something that just makes you feel extra special. and that Reef Ring is absolutely gorgeous, Erika! :)

Samantha said...

Melissa Walker is right about the "one thing that makes you feel special". That's a rule I live by too. :)

Susan said...

Nice post I love these fashionable dresses and like to buy them.

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