Bubble Pop Electric
When my mother was a child she convinced her parents to paint her stark white bedroom walls a lovely shade of lavender. After a few years she was thoroughly disgusted with the color and spent as few waking hours in the bedroom as possible. Somehow I don't think that my reaction to bubblegum pink walls would be the same. In my opinion, this is the stuff cotton candy dreams are made of. Besides, if Barbie and Betsey Johnson are able to survive in pink splendor, so can I!Fashionably yours!
Thanks to
Psycho Glitter for the picture.
My walls are bubblegum pink at the moment. I knew I'd love this color and I still do :D
Her house truly is amazing!
La C.
wow, her house is actually nothing like i pictured it would be. it's actually...simple and chic and not garishly girly.
i am in love with Betsey's design aesthetic! A fashion show I planned in high school i did in betsey style decor-- leopard print, hot pink "red carpet" for models to walk down, black girly details :)
pink...ahh reminds me when things were simple. I use to love love love pink.
ooh love betsey! i saw another room of hers once which took a more magical vintage forest approach. this girly mod medley is good too!
i was wallpaper in my childhood bedroom... and then painted it mint green :)
I love love this apartment! And my bedroom is a lavender like your moms room was! I picked it when I was 16 and I'm 23 now and still like it.
Anyway I wanted to let you know that I'm giving you the Your Blog Is Fabulous award! Come to Bostonista to pick it up!
Betsey Johnsons apartment is really amazing:) I love her dresses too...
I would like to have a bubblegum pink room, but not my whole apartment;)
yay!! thanks so much for posting these photos--I had the bottom left pic saved in my "house decor" file for inspiration (love the pink and green) and I had no idea until now where it was from!!! It truly is pink splendor, isn't it?
Bubble gum pink walls would be fab. Not sure how I feel about the carpet though.
I painted my walls a lavender colors. I still love em' even though I'm not a fan of purple.
when i was young i was severely opposed to the idea of pink. Now? I wouldn't mind incorporating smidgens here and there.
thanks for stopping by!
Wow, no wonder why she makes such frilly girlie dresses, look at her creative den!
Betsy is the coolest lady ever!
My bedroom at my parent's house is fuchsia - almost lipstick pink - and I never got tired of it. In fact, now that I'm away at college I miss my bedroom walls almost as much as I miss my family... (okay, that's not true, but I do miss it a lot)
This is definitely pretty awesome.
I've always wanted my walls to be red but my mother thought that I can't sleep in a red room instead we made my carpet red. And I have sleeping problem :)
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