

The other girls on the playground longed to be princesses – fair maidens with hair cascading down their back and woven into a golden plait in which a handsome prince could climb in order to save the day; ball-attending beauties with ruched satin gloves pulled up to their petite elbows; crown-wearing damsels with a taste for glass slippers or hunger for poisoned apples, both of which required the assistance of an adorable royal to save them from their fate. A part of me longed for the same type of fairytale; yet the other craved a more terrifying ending – one with big bad wolves flashing razor-sharp incisors, long walks through frightening forests, and, more than anything else, a teensy hood cloaking my chestnut colored hair. In the end, the latter won out.

Don’t get me wrong darlings, the life of a princess sounds downright divine, and I could never resist the sparkling diamond-encrusted crowns; however, Little Red Riding Hood managed to speak to me on so many levels as a child. And now, as a college student, I find myself brought back to the whimsy of the wondrous story courtesy of Rag & Bone’s Twisted Merino Hood Loop.

The Twisted Merino Hood Loop is practically two accessories in one. The ivory waffle-knit covering with ribbed trim can be worn in one of two ways: as a face-framing hood that virtually drapes in the most romantic of ways in soft, flowy waves; or, on warmer days, as a bulky infinity scarf which can be secured with a fossil-imprinted brass button to keep it from flapping or being tussled by cool breezes.

Based on the sheer fact that I have countless infinity scarves lurking in my closet and haphazardly peeking out of multiple bureau drawers, I can’t help but desire to wear it solely as a hood; worn in such a fashion its impossible not to make a fierce statement. Just watch out for the Big Bad Wolf, kittens!

Are you ready to be hoodwinked?

Fashionably yours!

Thanks to Saks Fifth Avenue for the pictures.

Don't forget to enter the Velvet Rope Giveaway for your chance to win a pair of Members Only Stretch Velvet Leggings from Chickdowntown.



ohhh, I like this! I think it could add a lot to an outfit.


miriam said...

this is so pretty! i got a similar hood knit form H&M, so comfy and you look good too!

All Women Stalker said...

It helps that the model has that wide-eyed Little Red Riding Hood look. Haha


Unknown said...

I think you have such a great way with words!

Although it looks nice on the model, I think I would look silly in it!

Gabbi said...

I'm in love! I so want... especially with the winter chill already creeping in! :)

www.janetteria.com said...



ana said...

Thank you very much for your nice comment :)!!!
By the way this is such a perfect choice for the cold windy days of winter...

it's so pretty!

KP said...

this is so cute! love the little red reference...

Rachel @ The Haute Notes said...

I absolutely love it when it's worn as a hood. It will be such a great piece for the colder weather too!

Jaime @ laviejaime said...

Clever accessory!! Nice choice for a blog post :)

Sweet_Tooth said...

I think you are really ahead of the curve with this one! This seems like something that will definetly catch on (though it may take a while). It is a splash of something brave, different, and practical for fall.

I certainly can't argue with anything drapey or scarf-like hehe.

Oh and thanks for your comment, I too am of the mindset that my jewelry should be evident from miles away!

Dina's Days said...

You painted the princess story perfectly! I love it as a hood also, very different!

Couture Carrie said...

Looks like a must-have piece for fall, darling ~ consider me ready to be hoodwinked!


Chelsea Talks Smack said...

i could really use a hood today, i kinda of want to wrap my face in something. lol.

The Blonde Duck said...

We are blog soulmates. I played Little Red Riding Hood in kindergarten in our Spring Play. My mother made me a gorgeous red cloak (with hood) that I would still wear today if it fit!)

Charlotte said...

That's sooo cute! My friend has one in black, I totally love it.

Katie said...

That looks so good! I miss long hair!

Living in Wellington it's so windy it's impossible to wear hood up (blown all over the place) actually, it's impossible to have any kind of hairstyle for the same point.. Haha x

meraldia said...

Perfect for the winter and stylish!

B a la Moda said...

Nice piece. Perfect for cold weather.
B* a la Moda

Leah said...

I definitely want to be hoodwinked. That is a fabulous scarf. The first photo reminded me of the Afghan girl in National Geographic.

. said...

awww, very pretty and feminine.

Angela said...

that is super cute.

Leia said...

I bought a bright pink one of these last year - they called it a 'snood' - and it saw me through winter! Much more flattering than hats on my face shape, and it kept my hair from being windswept and kept my ears warm! It was also quite handy that people said they could recognise me from a distance due to my bright pink head! LOL! And my grandmother loved it so much that she asked me to get her one, too (in black, of course!)

Sophia said...

i love this! i'm not sure how i would pull it off. but i love it none the less.

Ash Fox said...

this is so gorgeous! my grandmother is actually knitting me a cowl. i am so psyched



edef said...

I adore the way it's worn as a scarf.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the tip, I iwll have to look into that book!
Enter my Giveaway!

BonBon Rose Girls Kristin said...

I love eternity scarves! Thanks for the even cheaper boot rec. You rock!

Luinae said...

H&M has one like that and it's only 10 dollars. Plus, the most beautiful shade of grey! I can't wait to get it.

Anonymous said...

initially I thought hoods were a bit odd, but this one is adorable!

Emily said...

this is such a cool thing..and very chic!

Michael said...

I love the hoodie, it's so cozy and yet very chic. Especially that one because it looks light and the shade is jsut right for Autumn and in the midst of winter as well. J'adore!

S.Elisabeth said...

Ah this looks so perfect! I love it. Ha I was definitely a 100% princess wanna be back in the day.

molly said...

i love dramatic clothes, and this is a perfect example!

WendyB said...

Very pretty.

M said...

I believe a modern princess would absolutely wear a hood loop in lieu of a boring tiara - the white one is absolutely gorgeous!

Closet Full of Nothing said...

Very cute! looks so warm and cozy!

Denisa L said...

I was more on the witch side,didn't want to be the good "guy":)
Love the hoop loop!

nicole said...

doubt I could pull that off but it looks very cozy! and it looks like a better design than what I've seen recently. the knit isn't as chunky and bulky. I love the way it sits on her shoulders though, very fairytale-like.

Kellie Collis said...

Versatile is always wonderful!

kadler said...

This is gorgeous! Only wish it was cold enough to wear a scarf in Hong Kong :)

Sherin said...

These look great. I know Leia has one, and despite making fun of her, I really liked how they looked.

Unknown said...

Thats so cute! I would have difficulty finding the right coat to go with it and show it off though, it might necessitate even more shopping!

Stéphanie said...

That's so pretty !

Anika said...

Amen, welcome to the snood hood.
I've been raving about these for a while and already own two.

On the bandwagon, baby ;)

Demi said...

thank you very much for your lovely comment, honey :)
that would be so snug in winter!!! I loved Little Red Riding Hood too - but I think I was more of a Cinderella kinda girl! :)
I love the way you write! you're succchhh a good writer! xx

Nicole Marie said...

oh i love that! perfect for cold san francisco days!

jessica said...

yay !
i was just wearing my circle scarf yesterday , in fact ;]

Leila said...

I think I'm going to convert... its so lady like

Elizabeth Marie said...

Ohhhhh I LOVE this!! Cool down California! Or lets just hop to NYC because I need to wear this. Seriously, love.

Keith said...

I think that's really beautiful. I like it a lot.

StyleNonsense said...

What A Coinkidink I Just Bought One Of These From H&M Last Week!
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