
Smitten Saturday

Boxing Beauty I’m not going to lie to you, mes chéris, I was a very peculiar child growing up. My formidable tomboy phase didn’t last for a trite month or two; non, much to my mother’s chagrin I suffered from a full ten years of refusing to wear dresses or frilly bows in my hair, resigned to donning baggy jeans and messy ponytails that were much more comfortable for playing handball for hours on end. Needless to say, my mother was quite thrilled when I dropped the rough and tumble act, and embraced a more feminine look complete with skirts, baubles, and minimal mascara. The one bit of tomboy that never completely drained from my body, however, was my passion for boxers. When you’re surrounded by boys in the schoolyard, all displaying cartoon-covered boxers from the top of their sagging pants, it’s hard not to feel incomplete without a pair of your own – at least, that’s how I felt. At the time, I wanted to wear boxers as a source of underwear; now I simply adore them for lounging about the house as they are incredibly adorable, and supremely comfy. The airy silk of Kiki de Montparnasse’s Briony Shorts are a beyond seductive way to add a little sauciness to such a masculine style. Charlotte Russe’s Polkadot Scroll Boxers, complete with a purple polkadot ruffle drawstring tie and corresponding back pocket are a childlike way to add a little playfulness to your loungewear look. And it’s downright impossible to ignore the lure of the prints embellishing Victoria’s Secret’s Knit Boxsie’s, ranging from the lollipop-adorned Sweet Blue to the Twilight-influenced Bite Outta Black, and sentimental Kiss Me Pink. Really now, with all of these cute choices who wouldn’t want to be a boxing beauty?

Big Bang Some prefer a clean forehead, shining in all of its fresh-scrubbed gloriousness; I prefer the opposite. A forehead full of fringe has always been the thing to make me giddy. No matter who happens to be donning it, I find myself loving the wearer and the style. Perhaps it has something to do with the fact that I have had bangs for more than half of my life, and truly could not so much as fathom myself without them; but I believe there is no more adorable look than…the bang. A simple, heavy bang has the ability to add an air of mysteriousness when worn long around the eyes; a come-hither type of hooding to heavily mascara-ed peepers that is both stylish yet seductive. When worn sideswept you retain a very peek-a-boo playfulness that is polished yet bubbly and effervescent. And you simply cannot go wrong with piece-y bangs that never fail at assisting you in achieving the crème de la crème of bedheaded bliss. Kittens, fall is the ideal time to take a cue from the stunning Zooey Deschanel, the haute Heidi Klum, the endearing Demi Lovato, and take the bang plunge. Why? Well, if the results are less than satisfactory, you can always pin them back or cover them up with a cute knit hat until they grow out, of course. Are you ready to indulge in the big bang, lovelies?

Sealed with a Cinch Darlings, nothing would please me more than receiving a love letter from a cute boy that is sealed with an adorable kiss; but at present time my thoughts are on my planned wardrobe for fall and only that. Thus, while I would welcome a petite note proclaiming ones undying affections towards yours truly, for the time being I can’t help but feel that a splendrous wool coat sealed with a cinch would be much more capable of sending warm shivers up and down my spine. It’s true, while a coat of many colors would undoubtedly leave me in a state of sublimation; I feel that one with a little belted waist, ideal for sculpting the perfect hourglass shape, would be much more beneficial to my current cravings. No girl should be expected to survive without a little Opening Ceremony in her life; thus the Pleated Trench, so reminiscent of a flirty frock, is an absolute must for the mademoiselle who craves warmth with a sprinkle of trendsetting cosmopolitanism. The Rianna Military Coat, with its shiny, oversized silver buckle closure is the preemptive way to dress up a simple pair of skinnies and black over the knee boots. A Peter Pan collar and vintage brown buttons provides a juxtaposition between savvy sophistication and Lolita naïveté for Tulle’s Hazelnut Herringbone Coat – a retro number which makes it a…cinch to channel your inner Mad Men-obsessed fashionista. And for all of you lovelies looking to make a true statement, it’s absolutely impossible to go wrong with the Pleated Houndstooth Victoria Coat by Jack by BB Dakota. Are you ready to be sealed with a cinch?

Count Chocula A year without Count Chocula for me was like a year without Christmas. I could care less about Franken Berry or Boo Berry, my childhood tastes craved only the flavors of cocoa and marshmallows mingling together in one bowl. I ate it for breakfast, lunch, and dinner for a time; but after the mistake of stocking up on ten boxes which I hoped would last me the year until Halloween rolled around and Count Chocula emerged once again on grocery store shelves, I lost all taste for them. I suppose that is the sort of tragedy destined to occur when things go stale. Luckily, my rancid experience with Count Chocula did not make me shy away from chocolate all together. In fact, it only served to mold my cocoa-laced desires to more grown-up tastes. Now I covet the Tame Animal Crackers from Rich Chocolates & Candies, whimsical animal-shaped candies crafted out of white, dark, and milk chocolate. I am riddled with urges for Dipped from Frankie’s Fruit & Chocolate, yummy dried fruits dipped in rich dark chocolate. And the decadent Chocolate Covered Strawberries from Fannie May? Quite frankly, I find it impossible to get the scrumminess off my mind. Oui, it’s a more refined version of Count Chocula; but every bit as enjoyable!

G-L-A-M-O-R-O-U-S Never in my wildest dreams could I have imagined that by winning a simple giveaway over at Nubia’s Nonsense that I would become blatantly besotted with the independent, Elizabeth, New Jersey-based fashion and accessory line gla.MAR.ous; but from the moment I removed Pamela from the shipping envelope, I was smitten. Using unconventional zippers, in addition to bows, metallic trims, shimmering appliqués, and sequins galore, Mary Beirne crafts the most heavenly hairpieces that feature flashy Twenties, flapper flare paired with modern touches that I, for one, am completely incapable of resisting. The next pieces that definitely need to make their way into my world? The oh-so Blair Waldorf Katie Bow in Gold, which I plan on pairing with the very froufrou Birthday Dress/Skirt. Don’t second-guess your desire to buy kittens; just remind yourself of this one thing…all purchases are excusable, because you’re glamorous, of course!

What were you smitten with this week?

Fashionably yours!

Thanks to 4TH AND BLEEKER and Shopbop for the pictures.


Damsels said...

i totally get the bangs thing ! i love my bangs so much ever since i got them 4 yrs ago icant get rid of them ever ... i would look so much worse i feel

Leah said...

This is how I spent my mornings: I check my emails then go to your blog. If you have a long post, I bring my breakfast to my work area. I so love your blog. Honest!

My imagination runs wild when you don't post pics like now... I can imagine you wearing Pamela with your side-swept bangs.

And your teacup and saucer suggestion to stow baubles is a wonderful idea.

Have a great weekend Erika!

Unknown said...

Hey :) Thanks so much for your lovely comment. I apreciate it as always! I LOVE that first picture, its so friggin awesome. Oh and i want those little pixie boots shes wearing...
Panda xx

Couture Carrie said...

Gorgeous post, darling! I just adore that floral cup and saucer!

I am really smitten with Amelie Boutique this week...



Smitten with a faux fur coat and cozy knit sweaters =)


www.janetteria.com said...

Hello lovely,

I agree with Jacqueline and haha now I have a cozy post... LOL!

Have a great weekend!


Lauren said...

i would like a new winter coat - love the one shown!

i am smitten with fall break this week - its nice to be home ;)

Luinae said...

I've always wanted bangs- sadly, they don't really work with my hair texture.

Elizabeth Marie said...

OMG lady!!!!

You have officially sealed the bang deal for me. I'm making my appointment as we speak! Or as I type...whatever darling, you will be with me as I take the plunge. The new boyfriend is pretty obsessed with pictures where I have bangs, so that does help...

Elizabeth Marie said...

Also? I've been following you, and then blogger told me I wasn't but it's fixed and you're on my sidebar where you belong because you.are.my.favorite!

la petite fashionista said...

i've spent all morning back at my old high school helping my little sis and the student council set up for their alice & wonderland theme homecoming-- so cool!

Sherin said...

Ooo, I'm smitten with all these things this week as well. Those teacups are gorgeous and remind me so much of Alice in Wonderland.
Boxers are the most comfortable underwear ever and the gla.mar.ous headbands are so amazing. I have a zipper one as well, and love is so much.

Style Search said...

love your posts, i would like to many things! but the most important is inspiration! :)

Dina's Days said...

What a genius idea with the tea cups!! I just love that idea. And Pamlea is so lovely. I had heavy bangs last fall and they just grew out, I have been debating on going back. Perhaps I will!

Leeann @ Join the Gossip said...

I did the whole bangs thing about two years ago. At the time my hair was extremely blonde and it looked like the Heidi Klum do. I hated it though. I am not big on chanhe, especially with hair. I just felt uncomfortable and it took forever for my bangs to grow back =(

BonBon Rose Girls Kristin said...

I think I need the Nubia! http://shopglamarous.bigcartel.com/product/nubia

M said...

I've had blunt, thick bangs since summer'04 and there is no way I'm getting rid of them! I hate when hair stylists push them back when I work - it makes me feel naked, somehow.

Also liking the teacup thing... I might try that for my poor, homeless jewelry.

chic femme said...

Awww, you were a tomboy too. As a child, I loved playing sports and hanging out with the boys. But my parents cure for the dresses was to send me to private school were dresses and skirts was all girls could wear.

S.Elisabeth said...

Love that picture. And congrats on your win!
My bangs are in such a messy, awkward stage right now--from full fringe to side swept. And I want cinched coat so badly, a classic trench for sure!

Emily said...

I love bangs, I've worn them off and on throughout the years. And I adore those coats you mentioned..houndstooth is my absolute favorite pattern!

Jaime @ laviejaime said...

Love the butterfly tea set... so cute :)

Winnie said...

I love nice full bangs too. Gotta get mine cut soon and I want to make them even fuller!

Nubiasnonsense said...

hey sweets,

Thanks for the review I'm really glad you enjoy the headbands and I'm sure Mary is delighted with your kind words. We are always working on new items so I will try my best to keep you and my blogger friends posted =)

BTW your blog is Fab and I also suffer of an alice in wonderland obsession

Michael said...

I'm saving the first picture, I just love how she looks! and I really want to get a hair cut soon too.

Mila said...

Such a great post!!!!!!I nlove the first picture!

Mademoiselle ♥♥ said...

Darling post, dear. As per usual! This week I am smitten by light as air fairy cakes and cherry blossoms!


daisychain said...

I've always wanted to try cereals like count chocula, we get such boring varieties over here.


I love this post. I always wear boxers around the house, too! So comfortable, I tell you! And I love bangs too - but mine always grow out so fast, that they become a nuisance!

Thanks so much for stopping by!

Keith said...

Hey there. Great post. I always love your posts. Hope you've enjoyed the weekend. Cheers!

Fashionable Earth said...

LOVE the idea of resurrecting fashion from past decades!!! We also wrote about some vintage-inspired halloween ideas: http://fashionableearth.org/blog/2009/10/27/vintage-halloween-ideas/

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