
Tightwad Tuesday: Loeffler Randall Wendy Knit Cuff Booties for Less

I have no qualms about admitting the fact that I am a knit wit. It’s a tried and true trait of mine, I suppose, and one that I would be more than willing to shout from the rooftops if given the chance. But I digress; I will not be doing anything of the sort, unless, of course, bribed with a pink frosting topped cutecake (my pet name for cupcakes, if you hadn’t already figured it out). It’s not in my nature to be too over-the-top, though I’m sure my cocktail ring collection would make you think different. The truth of the matter is that we are all knit wits in our own ways. Some of us favor cashmere scarves, others prefer cuddly mittens, and a small handful of us perhaps adore embellished hats. But knits are not just found in the form of accessories to play up our best features. No darlings, they also come made especially for our teeny tiny tootsies, and I’m not discussing slippers here, mind you.

Loeffler Randall’s Wendy Knit Cuff Booties provide all of the same magic that I adore about J.M. Barrie’s mother-like figure Wendy Darling, in the form of a shoe. While crafted entirely of leather, the wondrous Wendy turns cozy about the shaft where her leather exterior mysteriously morphs itself into a comfortable cuffed knit which can be worn as a low bootie with a six-inch shaft when cuffed, or a taller boot with a sixteen-inch shaft when uncuffed. Of course, it’s not just the cuffed knit ornamentation that serves as a surprise to the eye of the beholder; no, there is the added element of a hidden three-quarter inch platform which subtly slides into a covered heel that is just slightly over four-inches high – a truly marvelous way to elongate the legs, especially when worn with black tights or skinny jeans.

No doubt there’s a catch. Whenever I find myself smitten with an item – be it fashion, food, or entertainment – it is well out of my price range, and Wendy is no exception. After all, she was created by Loeffler Randall – be still my heart. Truth be told, the wonderment of Wendy comes with a $650.00 expense; an amount well out of my budget given the fact that I would have simply admired her beauty from the amassment of shoes littering my closet. But there’s no need to worry, kittens; if you feel the need to have a little warmth encircling your petite ankles this winter, you do not have to say goodbye to Wendy. All you really need to do is meet her more wallet-friendly pal Lina.

BCBGirls Lina Platform Bootie, at $76.42, is a fabulous and fashionable way to get your knit-trimmed kick without squandering away every last cent you may have to your name. Like Wendy, Lina is constructed of black leather; only hers has a shiny, patent finish whereas Wendy has more of a muted, pebbled look. Patent, pebbled, I truly could care less which finish my booties are decorated with; as long as they bear the trademark knit trim, quite frankly, I’m in cozy heaven!

Tell me, lovelies...is it your day to be a big spender and spring for Wendy, or are you determined to be thrifty and go for Lina?

Fashionably yours!

Thanks to Shopbop and Zappos for the pictures.

Don't forget to enter The Inconvenienced Fashionista Giveaway for your chance to win a trendy, eco-friendly, reusable tote bag from The Inconvenient Bag.


KP said...

Loeffler breaks my heart with those prices-but I cannot help but love them! xx

Stéphanie said...

Fabulous !


I like the expensive ones! They are gorgeous, but I can't justify the price. Love this post!


The Pocket Stylist said...

OH these boots took my breath away! I adore them. They are fab. Thank you for the shoe candy!

Dina's Days said...

Count me in the Knit Wit Club!

Leah said...

I love Wendy's style but I would still settle for Lina.

Keith said...

These are great. I'm so glad I'm not a girl. I would have so much trouble with shopping. It's bad enough now as it is. lol

carolina @ patagonia gifts said...

love those booties! I must confess I love the Loeffler Randall’s... too bad they are too $$. xo

Couture Carrie said...

Nice find, darling.... but I can't pass up the LR's - they are soooooo comfy!


Tights Lover said...

Love both pairs, but I always seemed to be drawn to the patent leather...

jill said...

First, can I say how much I enjoy your posts. You write so well. I love how you coin these phrases. I'm gonna call them cutecakes, too.

Re: the boots, if I didn't read your post first, I'd actually think the Lina boot was the more expensive one!

Here's something obscure for you, Erika: years ago, the 80s I think, there was a French phrase called BCBG. I've posted on it:

In french, it is 'bon chic, bon genre', or 'good style, good class'

I'm guessing the BCBGirls Lina Platform Bootie is a reference to that acronym. And deservedly so!

I once had a pair in waterproof plastic, very similar. God only knows what I've done with them.

Thanks for your Osman comment: I agree ; )


jill said...

Okay, I've got goose bumps: I was literally trying to edit down my long comment to you, when your new one came onto my post!

Jaime @ laviejaime said...

Cute bootie- I like the LR one better but that price is a negative over here... haha

Closet Cravings said...

BCBGirls Lina Platform Bootie is a good deal, but my heart aches for the Loeffler Randall booties. A heart wants what a heart wants. =)


Unknown said...

Hey :) Thanks so much for you comment on my blog, as usual i really appreciate it! I Love these shoes - they are awesomee. Warm, and stylish!....

Panda xx

Guruizzm said...

thanks for the shoe candy! i love the expensive ones, too bad i dont have that kind of $$ right now!

ana said...

I love the first one!!! lovely boots for winter

Style Search said...

love love first one! :) they are so cool!

The Blonde Duck said...

I should wear these with my world's tackiest dress, which after you viewing it, I'm surprised you're still speaking to me. :)

B/c Lord, is it TACKY!

Rachel @ The Haute Notes said...

Love these boots! The Loeffler Randall pair are definitely my favorite though. Now if only they weren't so expensive...

Phyllis said...

Great picks! It always helps to look at the girls lines huh? I recenly got a pair of madden girl pumps for dirt cheap!!

Elizabeth Marie said...

Loeffler slays me in the best way! I think I would splurge on this one, I tend to go for the pricey shoes, especially boots. I adore these!

I really appreciated your comment, by the way. Truly.xo

Sherin said...

The knitted booties are so cute. My ankles would love that warmth around them. I'm a tightwad for sure this week though!

Denisa L said...

I love the Wendy ones because they aren't shiny:)

Anonymous said...

Love love love these. I just got a similar pair, in black as well. Most comfortable shoes I've ever worn. Yay for fall!

Paula Lobos said...

I couldn´t agree more! :) I´m following yours now! To get that air o New York...lol... :D

Emily said...

love 'em. I'd definitely go for the thrifty pair..you can barely tell the difference!

BonBon Rose Girls Kristin said...

Or you could fold down some leg warmers over a pair of regular ankle boots or booties. : )

B a la Moda said...

You know... I am not a knitting wit. :( I have tried and my grandma showed to me a couple of times but I can not make a proper something. Lucky you! i would go for the cheaper and prettier. ;)
B* a la Moda

Gabbi said...

I love 'em both, such gorgeous boots... but above all I love that you present such an awesome alternative for those on a budget! Genius... :)

All Women Stalker said...

I say you should just DIY one. Knit the sock top and attach it to booties. :D


chic femme said...

How cute, but warm do these boots look. :) Fabulous post, doll. :)

. said...

these are so cute!!

S.Elisabeth said...

I'd definitely be thrifty. Hmm I don't know, I'm not totally sold on these shoes just yet... But give it time, because it took some time for me to warm to a lot of stuff!

michelle_ said...

i've seen this sort of shoes for quite a while . there are many facebook onlineshops who sell these.. and the prices can be as low as $30 !

they are very cute, and give the appearance of leg warmers..

Anonymous said...

i love anything knitted. scarves, mittens, socks, u name it! this is a great place to find knits and so cute too!! :)

Nikolett said...

Ahh, they both look so cozy! I'm a little more partial to the first pair, so looks like a pair of leg warmers. Wish the weather was cooler here so I could get 'em!

Unknown said...

These are really cute! The 2nd one is my fav of the two. I need a good winter boot...but maybe something with less heel.

miriam said...

ah, the top pair reminds me of a pair I almost bought at the V-store in Copenhagen. tres cute!

glee said...

i love the first shoes. is the knit cloth actually attached to the shoes? or what?

M said...

Love the Wendies... and I was facing a similar predicament myself last winter. I solved the problem by having a guy buy me the expensive boots - maybe not a strategy I would recommend, but it was well worth it. Got to love those knitted cuffs! :D

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