
Make a Wish!

Darlings, I thought it was downright bizarre when those petit red string bracelets came into fashion not too long ago; and when cord bracelets popped up I was even more baffled. But I digress, I suppose it took a bit of time, but I have discovered my own kitschy thingamajig to go gaga over. And that, mes chéris, is the Brazilet.

Aside from a brief sighting of one slung casually about the tanned wrist of Lauren Conrad, I truly had no knowledge of the sacred 200-year-old recessionista fashion accessory that promotes going green while raising funds to save the Amazon rainforest all at once; so when given the chance to win a Brazilet all my own from Amanda’s Sunshine, I did nothing short of jump at the chance. And for good reason. Perhaps it was a mere stroke of luck, or simple good fortune; or maybe it was destiny, fate even. Whatever the cause, I won, and my Flamingo colored Brazilet arrived in all its ribbon-crafted glory!

One may question why a simple piece of trimming so often seen adorning soon-to-be torn open holiday gifts sparkling under the Christmas tree would qualify as an item worthy of $5 apiece, but it is the sentiment that registers the minimalist bauble as a necessity; the sheer fact that the three little knots you tie in its minute being are marked down as three wishes. Once the material wears down, and the Brazilet slips from your wrist due to natural wear and tear, it is believed that those three wishes will come true. It’s a tiny trinket that promotes positivity, hope, and gives the wearer the ability to believe.

It doesn’t hurt, of course, that the assortment of colors, and the snazzy titles that accompany each one, come varied enough to appease the color cravings of even the pickiest buyer – from sunflower to flamingo, mango to leaf, even native and ocean. As you already know, my wrist currently belongs to a perky flamingo; yet even I am tempted to indulge in just a few more shades – if only for the extra wishes, to be sure!

Which color do you plan on using to make your three wishes?

Fashionably yours!

Thanks to The Clay Pot and Closet Couture for the pictures.



i love these - such a sweet idea!

Leah said...

Do you wear your brazilet all the time? Do you take it off when taking a shower? I want to buy some to give to my friends in the Philippines. This is an awesome gift.

Jaime @ laviejaime said...

Yellow- it's my fave color :)

Happy weekend!

Leia said...

What a fun idea! I'm tempted to get some myself! I would get an assortment of complementing colors and wear them together :)

Dina's Days said...

Not only do I love the sound of Flamingo and mango, but what I love even more are the great causes affiliated with this item.

KP said...

I hadn't heard of these-I love the cause and the idea that you get three wishes-need those about now! xx

Anika said...

Fantastic gift. And a gift with more than one recipient, perfect!

Love these......

thanks for sharing

Tights Lover said...

The brazilet!

Great find, I like it!

Unknown said...

I love the fun colors and feel and wishes to go with it--even better!


Rachel @ The Haute Notes said...

I too have seen these on Lauren Conrad quite often. I think it's such a great idea. It's amazing that it also goes to a great cause.

I really love flamingo and leaf. Definitely need to get some of these! You'll have to let us know if your wishes come true! :)

Couture Carrie said...

Are these like the modern Madonna bracelets or what? Am I the only one who doesn't have one??


Caramell said...

It's the first time I've heard about brazilets- maby because to my city fashion comes when most things are out-of- date.

Unknown said...

yaay! pretty much gung-ho for anything to donn the wrists. and for a good cause, even better.

The Blonde Duck said...

Those are neat! I had never heard of them!

BonBon Rose Girls Kristin said...

I rather enjoy Ocean. It doesn't hurt that it's Gator blue baby!

meraldia said...

I like this idea! Wow!

Tori said...

yeah i saw those bracelets on lauren a while back...i doubt she knows what they mean. i do love these particular bracelets and wanted one for awhile...great blog!


Jennifer Fabulous said...

Oooh I have never heard of these before but they sound fabulous. I think I know what my Christmas presents are going to be this year...hmmm...hehe. :)

The Anthology said...

Love those! I'm all about recessionista fashion. And when it supports a good cause? Even better.

* Kelsey

Unknown said...

i like it yeah but they r blue i prefere pink hehe



Love these! Great idea =)


Angela said...

cute idea.

chic femme said...

Oh, the purple one is divine. :)

Sam said...

I've not seen these before! I love the colours!! They look like a party! Have a lovely weekend!

simplycheapchic said...

I love how simple it yes yet the bright colors could ad that mini pop to your outfit!

Gabbi said...

I'd wish on pink! Very cute... :)

Emily said...

i love this idea, I don't even know what color I'd pick!

Anonymous said...

wow great idea!

S.Elisabeth said...

Aw this is adorable. I've never heard of it before, but I definitely want one. Especially if it benefits going green and attracts the dreamer in me!

Anonymous said...

I think I want some of these, they are all colourful and simple.

Leeann @ Join the Gossip said...

I have never seen these before, I need to check them out! Such a cool message behind them!

glee said...

this is the second time i heard about brazilets, the first from another fashion blogger. lovely. :)

Unknown said...

Those are cool!
You have a lovely weekend! :)

Unknown said...

Those are cool!
You have a lovely weekend! :)

Princess Liberty said...

I love this sort of bracelets

Sherin said...

I've never heard of them, but I love the whole concept behind them. They'll look good and the wishes part is great!

Anonymous said...

these bracelets are so cute, and i love that they're for a good cause. thanks 4 the heads up. great post! :)

www.janetteria.com said...

Great idea!


All Women Stalker said...

Fashion with fairytale sensibilities always win. :)


Posh Peach said...

How fun!

kadler said...

This is so funny! I went to a Brazilian party the other week and they gave me one of these, but I'd never heard of them before. Thanks for the background info :)

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