
Sole Sisters

The male species is completely clueless as to the sorts of pains that females must go through in order to look good. Yes, I’m aware that we must suffer in the name of fashion. That we must feel the perfunctory pinches, the standard stabbings, the negligent nippings, the cursory confinements, and the painful pressures of various garments bought to enhance, tuck, and suck ourselves into a covetable silhouette that makes the heads of both fellow females and cute boys turn. But after awhile, enough is enough!

Boys, while incredibly cute to look at with bedhead, scruffy stubble, and soulful puppy dog eyes simply do not realize that if we have had our tootsies stuffed into stilettos all day, that we want nothing more than to give them a break by slipping into a pair of flats for a bit of relaxation (yes, even our feet need a vacation sometimes). Non, the only thing males think of is a saucy shake as one struts by in pumps. Face it, as much as boys would like to pretend that they know all of the intricacies of a female; the truth of the matter is…they don’t. The only individuals who truly know a female, is another female; which is why I’m in complete adoration of Katie Shea and Susie Levitt, the masterminds behind CitiSoles.

As twenty-something city girls short in stature but big on ideas, the duo have learned the hard way that trekking from one end of the city to the other in stilettos all day can truly be a killer; thus the reason they created CitiSoles. I first mentioned the magically delicious foldable ballerina flats here when I advised you to stick a pair in your carry-on during travel to ensure optimal comfort; but since then the twosome have added yummy new products to their line in the form of cityslips (foldable ballerinas which include a carrying case that morphs into a tote bag) and AfterSoles (ballerinas that roll up to the size of a cell phone) which only serve to make them more friendly to the feet of hard working fashionistas who strive to look fabulous while retaining stylish satisfaction.

It is products like these that go unnoticed by the world, unless one does some extreme digging. Therefore, to certify the sanity of our feet, it is up to us as females to band together and bring attention to such wondrous forms of fashion. And now we can.

CitiSoles is one of the Top 12 Finalists in INC. magazine and Alibaba’s Newpreneur of the Year competition. If Katie and Susie win, CitiSoles has the chance to make it into stores all over the world, making them more obtainable to the masses – perfect in the recession we’re currently in the throes of. The only thing they need to make it to the Finals is our help in the form of Online voting – which starts Wednesday (October 28). Truly, what better way to keep our feet in supreme bliss and teach clueless boys a lesson than by guaranteeing that CitiSoles is crowned the fashionable winner?

Support them darlings; they’re looking out for us – and the welfare of our feet!

Fashionably yours!

Thanks to CitiSoles for the pictures.



Great find! These seem like a really great product!


Chicago Chic said...

What an incredibly witty and clever post! The first paragraph made me laugh...and citisoles look amazing! Living in Rome, I am constantly on the go and I actually bring flats in my bag daily when my feet get tired from heels, but these look incredibly easy to fold and slip in any bag! Love it!

Stylista Fitness said...

what a great idea! these are awesome for my poor feet :)

Diane said...

i *love* this idea!

Jennifer Fabulous said...

Gah! I think this is a brilliant idea. I wear four to five inch heels almost every day for work and it really takes a toll on me. I always keep a pair of nice flats in my car, but it's a hassle b/c I like to wear the flats with other outfits and if I leave them in the car overnight, it is such a pain to go outside in the rain to get them. Lol. Long story short, somethign like this would be PERFECT for me. I could take them everywhere and not care where I leave them. :)

PS. Would love to exchange links. I am adding you right now!

Taylor Sterling said...

such a cute idea! I love these. I do this all the time and my shoes take up my whole purse! Great post.

carolina @ patagonia gifts said...

this is exactly what I was looking for! I love to wear high heels but my tootsies don't! thanks! xo

Closet Cravings said...

I love the concept of CitiSoles. Just a handy little pair of flats you can easily thrown into your handbag - fabulous! =)


Soiree said...

Great Idea! Though I wear heels every day!

dot said...

That is an absolutely inspired concept! I will absolutely go and vote right now. In fact, I'll take it a step further: will put something on my sidebar linking people to this post, to help spread the word.

Oh, nearly forgot why I came here: you've been tagged, babe ; ) 'over the top'.


ana said...

OMG this is the best thing ever... specially for working girls who have to be in high heels for 8 hours and then walk to their homes... Like me :)

www.janetteria.com said...

Great idea, dear!


Nikolett said...

Ah, such a cute post. Boys and men will never understand the torture we endure for them! I rarely wear heels since I'm tall enough without them, but this is such a great find and a brilliant idea :)

Jaime @ laviejaime said...

This is such a good idea- why didn't I think of it? Haha! Though I wonder about comfort...I have a pair of ballet flats from Juicy, that I love but can only wear sitting down (lol) because they are so uncomfy- they fold up too and don't have a lot of support. I'd be curious to hear a review of these!

Vintage Lollipops said...

Ahhh, the things we're willing to go through for a pair of killer heels... such a fantastic alternative. Amazing post... loved this! xx

Anonymous said...

omg these are amazing!

Couture Carrie said...

These are fabulous ~ what a great idea!


Ashley said...

i usually carry a pair of flip flops or tiny shoes in my bag, but they take up so much space and i never know what to do with my heels. i would definitely snatch up a pair of these!

Kira Aderne said...

To walk like dancing ballet in the streets!

Style Search said...

Love love this idea!!!

BonBon Rose Girls Kristin said...

How wonderful of you to help them and give us the skinny on this! I'm thinking those would be just perfect throw in my travel bag!

The Blonde Duck said...

My friend is going to LOVE these!

Rachel @ The Haute Notes said...

These flats are such a great idea. I love that the pouch can become a full-size bag to carry the heels. That's so convenient!

Anonymous said...

Great idea and the perfect shape. Thanks for coming by my blog, your words were so strong and powerful. Hope you stop by often!

Tights Lover said...

Wow. These do look incredibly comfortable. The look a little like ballet flats. I can see why every woman would need a pair of these!

Anonymous said...

The males spieces is clueless about everything. :) Great flats doll.



Belle de Ville said...

I'm totally buying these!

Sherin said...

Awesome product!!! I have a pair of foldable shoes (from CocoRose) and they seriously are a huge life saver, not to mention completely cute.

I firmly believe that all women need to own a pair of foldable flats.

Elizabeth Marie said...

I would love these! I wear 5inchers pretty much every day and by 6pm I am dying...I say I was born in heels but every girl needs a break!

Erin said...

I haven't heard of such a great product since those little plastic things that hold your bra straps back...
I need a pair of these, if for nothing else than to stop walking barefoot in the subway at 2 am Saturday morning (I know, gross right?)because my feet just can't take my heels any more.

Stéphanie said...

So great !

All Women Stalker said...

Great find, Erika! I'd have needed a pair of these when I still had my office job.


Dina's Days said...

Oh the answer to all of my late night problems. I love that they are actually pretty cute, and not awkward looking.

Simes. said...

hey! nice pictures, great blog btw, check out ours whenever you want, we invite you to follow it,

Anonymous said...

Oooh, these are super cute. As much as I want to wear heels all day long (because of my short height), I'm always on the hunt for cute flats. Will have to check them out and vote for them! Thanks for sharing!

xo, Becs

Angela said...

these will be so great for air travel for at home.

E said...

I need a pair of these, considering how highly impractical shoes I get stuck tromping long distances in....

Emily said...

awesome idea! I could totally use this on a daily basis with all my mishaps with uncomfy shoes!

Anonymous said...

You are soo correct we go through everything too look good and mmost boys don't even care!

edef said...

this is genius for the times i regret wearing high heels for long walks. With these, no regret's needed

la petite fashionista said...

I need these. BADLY. everytime we go out i'm left hobbling on the walk home or getting piggy back rides from my guy friends:)

simplycheapchic said...

this would be a much better solution that trying to keep my size ten shower shoes in my little clutches!

Meredith, SCC

Fashion Court said...

that is SUCH a good idea. i gave up wearing heels for a while haha :p

actually.. i gave up wearing heels during my trip to dc. i could not take it. everyone warned me not to wear heels there because the streets are AWFUL .. but did i listen? noooope. i wound up wearing uggs to congressional appointments. thank god it didn't look too too bad :p (or i hope! haha)

nicole said...

my feet think this is an awesome idea; they love it as much as I love wearing stilettos that make them want to die. they remind me of sue london ballet flats that are also foldable but I think the price point is a bit higher. I usually carry flats around in my bag but the non-foldable kind, which takes up space. I'll definitely want to get a pair of CitiSoles to carry around with me! Great post :)

Anonymous said...

So easy, and yet very ingenious!

Becky Tjandera said...

yeah . sometimes wearing heels is so painful . ugh . poor women's feet . haha . i think wearing flats is so okay ! they're cute , and not painful . everyone will look good on them :D thanks for sharing dear ! have a nice day !

Sam said...

How cute!! As a person who formerly wore heels I understand just how achey those poor tooties can get - essentially for the gal about town!

Marian said...

such a fab idea and yes man are clueless on the pains women endure to look great!

Denisa L said...

I think I really need a pair!

it jobs said...

I like the shoe’s it look lovely and very comfortable.

Olympus digital cameras said...

Nice shoes awesome shoes.

Unknown said...

I have to say I have quite a few male friends who say they have come to know the pain of women's shoes, simply because after a night out when their girlfriends and friends shoes are hurting too much for them to walk home they often end up stuck giving the ladies in their lives piggybacks, or worse having to give up their own shoes to the female in distress and walking home in their socks!

One friend in particular has been desperately advocating us girls taking a pair of flats in our handbags so he doesn't have to suffer anymore!

Audrey Allure said...

i love flats <3 i have a pair of folded up flats, and i bring whenever i wear heels haha

meraldia said...

They look very comfortable! I am a ballerina shoes girl, I never wear heels, so I have to try citisoles!

Paula Lobos said...

They look great!! Summertime I always bring a pair of pretty flip-flops for when the feet are about to "burn up"...lol.. CitiSoles look supercute!

Nicole Marie said...

no way!! coooolllll!

daisychain said...

I love these, the first pair that launched over here were invented by someone from my city, so I of course bought a pair out of loyalty haha, they were so perfect for college days.

Sofi said...

Love love love this!!

Leila said...

Love it, story of my life. I recently saw another post about a similar company called CocoRose, check it out... cocoroselondon.com

Fifi Flowers said...

That is a FAB product!!! Much better than changing into tennis shoes... hate tennis shoes unless I am playing a sport... they should be outlawed! LOL

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