
Beauty and the Feet

"A pair of shoes can change your life. Just ask Cinderella."

Dolls it is common knowledge that many of us, if not all, were raised upon a steady stream of fairytales. We were barraged with Once Upon A Times before we could even talk; force-fed Happily Ever Afters the moment we started toddling about the house garbed only in bulky diapers; and by the time we were old enough to play dress-up we had already been completely overwhelmed with the notion of being swept away by a Handsome Prince trotting along on a winter white Stallion.

It was not until adolescence, when we began navigating the playing field for ourselves, that we were coerced into coming to the realization that, like the perfect pair of shoes, the Handsome Prince was not so easily attainable. Nevertheless, for the fashion-forward fair maiden, giving up is not an option!

Like the princess on a quest for a paradisiacal pair of pumps, who must spend hours upon hours searching for sublimity; the damsel in distress must succumb to kissing loads of frogs before she is finally swept off her feet by Prince Charming. It is a commonality which goes to show that shopping for shoes and love is a daunting duo which works hand in hand with one another. Therefore, to accomplish full satisfaction in both departments, you must first fulfill the requirements for one, and the other will fall fashionably into place.

Darlings you’ve already unearthed a promising boy; now it’s time to find a favorable form of footwear to take your impending date from blasé to blissful, and ensure a second!

Destiny Wears Combat Boots Kitty cats, before you undertake the task of shopping for a shoe that wows your Boy Wonder, it is of the utmost importance that you at least learn what activity your date will entail so as to ensure that you select a pair that is par for the course.

Now, unlike we of the fairer, genteel gender, who contemplate and plan for weeks upon weeks before an expected event; boys fly by the seat of their pants. Many are indecisive to an almost obnoxious point, waiting until the day-of to determine how they will be wining and dining you. For this reason alone, nailing down your plans may be synonymous with prying teeth; but for the sake of your sanity and fashionable finesse, do find out ahead of time. After all, you most certainly do not want to find yourself the wearer of stilettos when you should have been styled in combat boots!

It’s All About Me Sue Grafton once said, If high heels were so wonderful, men would be wearing them. Nothing could be more true. Men are quite capable of admitting that they adore the way one’s hips sway and swivel when they’re accoutered in high heels; yet many, if not all, are unaware of the skill, and strength such shoes require of the wearer – not to mention the pain that we endure after long hours of having our tantalizing tootsies stuffed into such a style! Thus, only wear high heels if it’s what YOU want to do.

While shoes have the ability to create confidence, they are not the sole telltale factor in whether or not you will be overwhelmed by such a feeling. Confidence radiates from within, only being boosted ever so slightly by the inclusion of heels. Remember, my loves, there may be two of you on this particular date, but when selecting your shoe du jour, it’s all about you!

A Compromise for Comfort Let’s be honest here kittens, Alice in Wonderland pulled off her tumble down the rabbit hole with complete adorableness; and though we may say that, should we trip and fall, or merely stumble, in front of a cute boy, we have enough courage to shake it off and be on our merry way…once it actually happens to us, however, that fearlessness goes straight out the window!

Don’t deny it, first dates are nerve-wracking events. Though we may be loathe to admit it to ourselves or anyone else, we are plagued with jitters that leave us unsteady in our minds and on our feet; therefore, it is essential to take such notions into consideration to achieve complete success.

You may feel blissfully comfortable strutting around in your Rock & Republic Alayna Chain Pumps when shopping with the girls, but when out with a potential mate, an individual whom you are trying to make a lasting impression upon, you may find yourself tripping up, and overcome with embarrassment. Compromise your typical style by allocating the use of wedges or chunky heels in place of stilettos (designs that will not make you forsake height!) to guarantee both peace of mind, and complete comfort!

Walk the Talk First dates are a prime time for individuals to rest on their laurels, and rely upon small talk, or menial observances to break the ice between both parties; thus, accomplish two things at once by selecting a style that doubles as a conversation starter.

Darlings, it’s a known fact that boys are oblivious to a handful of things – specifically the not-so-subtle hints we drop for them quite frequently much to no avail; but trust me when I say that even the most bewildered of boys is incapable of not noticing the influx of fringe adorning Joie’s Rock Steady Fringe Suede Booties, or the slightly ostentatious crystals speckling Ash’s Cult Studded Motorcycle Boots.

Just think of it this way, lovers…the boy may not stick around, but your fabulous choice of footwear chosen specifically for the occasion will forever stick by your side – or, rather, on your feet! Like Carrie Bradshaw once said, The fact is, sometimes it’s really hard to walk in a single woman’s shoes. That’s why we need really special ones now and then to make the walk a little more fun.

Happy dating and shopping, darlings!

Fashionably yours!

Thanks to Candyfloss & Persie and We ♥ It for the pictures.

Note: I originally wrote this post for one of my favorite blogs, The Embellished Life, on March 22, 2010; but I loved writing it so much, that I thought I would share it with all of you here, just in case you missed it!

Don't forget to enter The Little White Skirt Giveaway for your chance to win a Rachel Pally Triangle Pocket Skirt from TheWhiteDressShop.com.

Don't forget to enter the Runaway with Meg Cabot and Urban Outfitters Giveaway for your chance to win Meg Cabot’s Airhead Trilogy and a $50 Gift Certificate from Urban Outfitters.


Midnight Cowgirl said...

I love that quote! A great pair of shoes really can make a difference.

Joanne said...

Shoes you can choose ... That's the fun of them, the choices include something for everyone! Have a nice weekend.

Cindy Whitehead said...

This is so true - wear what YOU want. And I do remember what shoes I was wearing for different occasions (-:

Unknown said...

Oh I agree, I love this post as well, and I read aloud all the way through.
Shoes are key in impressions, and sometimes they are hard to find, but I love them. I am to make sure I look at your other blog, and that Little white skirt giveaway.

love J'aime

daisychain said...

you are such an amazing writer.

have a great weekend x

Leah said...

Oh Erika... I have told you this already countless of times... you are one awesome writer. I love this post. You really have a way with words.

I totally agree... our shoes can be a very loyal friend.

Have a great weekend! xoxo

J. said...

hahaha any excuse to buy a new pair of shoes :).


BonjourRomance said...

Bonjour Erika,
Very enjoyable post - you're a fabulous writer. Love the quote at the top. It is true, slip on the right pair of shoes and you just feel different.
Wishing you a good weekend,

Joie de Viv said...

Well - no matter when you wrote this post - shoe shots are still girl porn and every girl learns we need more perfect shoes than perfect men! Gosh I love all the images so!

xx Vivian @ http://diamondsandtulle.blogspot.com

Krysten @ Why Girls Are Weird said...

I love the pic where she's on his shoes on her tip toes - adorable!

Joie de Viv said...

Hi Luv! Happy Saturday and just wanted to let you know I left and Award for you on my post today!


xx Vivian @ http://diamondsandtulle.blogspot.com

Theresa said...

Love love love this post Erika! You are such an eloquent and lovely writer <3

Yulia Rahmawati said...

I love ur post
Get Up,Survive, Go Back To The Bed

ak said...

wow i love love that quote about if high heel were comfortable...it's so so true. i love my high heels but with my work on my feet I need comfort..my combat boots and my ballet flats are my saviors. plus i really adore just being casual in my chucks



I loved this post because it was all about shoes of course. x


Tiffany Kadani said...

I love this post! I just bought a new pair of platform heels last week and I am so excited to wear them today for a birthday lunch. First time wearing is always just so exciting and, I dare say, a bit life changing.

ellie said...

Oh..those booties are the new combat boots..hehehe..very pretty.

Jade Rat said...

Awesome pictures. And everything you say is totally true, haha.

WeShop said...

Love all the quotes - so true! Another great article. x

Charlie said...

love the last two pics - so cute! your such a good writer, you should be in a magasine!

VAMPIRES-AND-CARDIGANS.BLOGSPOT.COM – New Fashion Competition with a great prize!


Charlie said...

love the last two pics - so cute! your such a good writer, you should be in a magasine!

VAMPIRES-AND-CARDIGANS.BLOGSPOT.COM – New Fashion Competition with a great prize!


Josie said...

I loved this post the first time, and even more this time around! The photo of the flats and the Converse is absolutely charming. And I'm officially craving some new shoes right now :)
xxoo Josie

Rachel Danielle said...

A blissful post, and I adore the quote and the pictures to go with it! :D

ediot said...

hi darling. your writing is so poetic and wonderful. enjoyed reading. and how the photos just blend in and enhance the meaning of the text.
i remember this shot of rachel bilson and adam brody kissing on the sidewalk- she was standing on his feet.. so perfect- just like that one snap.. strange how an image like that can print itself into ones head and still be there several years after.. hope youre having an wonderful weekend darling,
what are you doing?
xx ediot

Scientific Housewife said...

I try to wear cute shoes anytime I go out with my hubby so he knows why I buy them so much :)

jess said...

Great advice. These pictures are really pretty too.

Fashion Court said...

you know me and my love for shoes! my cynthia vincent wedges made my entire day! :o)

Peter Breese said...

Though I can't truly relate, I do love your wording my friend!

Anonymous said...

beautiful red foot wear very beautiful i like them its good to know about shoes

great post
have a great day

Sandy a la Mode said...

This is a beautiful post with some AWESOME pictures and SHOES!

S.Elisabeth said...

I'm so glad you posted it here, because I would have never read it! Cafe Fashionista & a post on shoes? PERFECTION. I kind of cannot wait to have a first date just so I can choose the shoes!

little luxury list said...

Great post darling! I definitely hope you find someone whose shoes and self are deserving of you too!


Wow. Your posts always strike me as so amazingly well written. Kind of coincidental as everything you write often invokes images of magic and fairytales to me!


Francy said...

Oh, I love this post, and your writing. Shoes, like the perfect man, are so precious.

Anonymous said...

New shoes always make me happy.

frockandrollonline.com said...

This is FANTASTIC! :)

frockandrollonline.com said...

This is FANTASTIC! :)

lily said...

Great quote. Always love show shopping.

maddy said...

oh my goodness! i happen to love this post, because its about SHOES, and because you write so amazingly!! Love, love, love this... and love you Miss!

stay classy

Shop N' Chomp said...

Love that quote and that third pic! =D

Marz said...

I love the way you write!
I agree with getting chunkier heels for a date that you may be walking a lot on, there is no compromise for comfort and that cute boy won't have to worry about you breaking your ankle in case you do fall!

PinkBow said...

oh that bottom image is simply stunning. whenever i think shoes, i always think carrie bradshaw

glee said...

What a lovely post! I hear the Imeldas roaring applause. I cannot say "No" to any lovely shoes. I like that red shoes with red hems photo. :)

Sootjeelina said...

Cool quote :D
And amazing post :D

xoxo Sootjeelina <3

L said...

Heheh this is so cute. So true about heels! Luckily for me, my guy is fine with me wearing whatever I like. I'm more of a flats kinda girl for daytime, but love a hot pair of heels at night! Unless of course, a lot of dancing is expected — then I might go for medium heels or just flats! (Never compromise a good time in favor of style, in my opinion!)

Audrey Allure said...

Such a great quote & love the shoe images :)

Emily said...

shoes shoes shoes.
my best friend! I love this post. you have both a gift for writing and style :)

Rachel @ The Haute Notes said...

This is such a great post, Erika! I know wearing heels always gives me a bit of a confidence boost, but as you said, it doesn't matter what kind of shoes one is wearing. Confidence comes from within!

I'm in love with those Ash boots!

COCAMIA said...

The quote is so so true! A great pair of shoes can change the way you walk and carry yourself! It can be a big self-esteem booster...xo

Devea said...

LOVE this post! And the first quote is so true!

Amanda Lee said...

that quote about cinderella is so true!



Andhari said...

I'm so using that Carrie Bradshaw line to justify my shoe shopping habit :)

Awesome post!:)

Jessica said...

(wow that first pic is awesome!)

Its like on the SATC movie where Carrie is reading the Happily Ever After story to Charlotte's daughter and then says..."you know it doesn't actually happen that way. I just thought you should know now" Awesome.

Sarah M said...

very empowering post! :)

Rick said...

thank you for the pain you endure, in part for us :) great post!

Sara Lee Bentley said...

I think of shoes as being almost weareable sculptures. Isn't it amazing just how powerful these lovely accessories can be?
Great post!


Unknown said...

Fantastic photos!

All Women Stalker said...

Oh I love this post! I remember commenting when this went live over at The Embellished Life :D

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