
What if...?

“We all have our time machines. Some take us back, they’re called memories. Some take us forward, they’re called dreams.”
Jeremy Irons

What if…you had access to a machine that allowed you to go backwards or forwards in time?

The clock would instantly turn back to August 15, 1969 for me; the day that Sweetwater took center stage in Bethel, New York, kicking off the three-day event that will forever be remembered as the Woodstock Festival. Atop my flowing, bedraggled locks would sit Bop Basics’ Raffia Braid Sunhat, keeping my tresses under control as I tilt my face towards the sky, soaking up the sunlight and sounds of Janis Joplin with The Kozmic Blues Band. Gone would be the dark wash skinny jeans so commonplace in today’s society, instead my lower half would be accoutered in GOLDSIGN’s Desire Relaxed Flare Jeans as I sway my hips to the hypnotic rhythm of Santana. My Of Two Minds Gauze Long Sleeve Top would ethereally billow out around my petite frame as The Who launch into Tommy; while knotted around my wrist, visible as I toss my arms in the air to lose myself to the strains of Jimi Hendrix’s guitar, sits Shashi’s minute Petit Golden Nugget Adjustable Bracelet. As the stars twinkle in the inky midnight sky, fellow revelers lie back upon Navajo-printed blankets littering the well-trodden grass; bringing another day of music to a close, and dreaming of what the next will hold.

Where would your time machine take you, my loves? Would you choose to relive history, or go back to the future to experience something brand new? Would you wear modern clothes, pieces from the past, or something never before seen? Don’t be shy, kitty cats…dish!

Fashionably yours!

Thanks to Iva Messy for the picture.

Don't forget to enter The Little White Skirt Giveaway for your chance to win a Rachel Pally Triangle Pocket Skirt from TheWhiteDressShop.com.

Don't forget to enter the Runaway with Meg Cabot and Urban Outfitters Giveaway for your chance to win Meg Cabot’s Airhead Trilogy and a $50 Gift Certificate from Urban Outfitters.


ellie said...

I so love that top! woo..good questions on time travel. I can't think of anything in the 80's I'd want to wear. Maybe something classic like a Jackie O outfit from the 60's..but really the 70ish look is where its at..Woodstock! I watched Taking Woodstock not long ago and there was some pretty cool outfits to wear just to get in the mud.

I've been reading TWELVE and Chace Crawford is White Mike in the movie and it takes place in the 90's so that might be interesting fashion wise, too.

Frannie said...

Oh love I'm quite sure I would probably go to late 60s Early 70s too! I would die from Excitement if I could have gotten to see Woodstock. I've always let I was born in the wrong time period anyway, it might be hard to convince me to leave behind the romantic style of that time because it is so dear to me.

Great post and I LOVE that quote!!!

Jessica Samantha said...

'Kay, Erika, that was a bit weird, because I'm watching Doctor Who on another screen, and then I read "time machines" right when one of the characters said "time machines"...

...if I could have a time machine just like The Doctor... I would probably die... I would travel to all important dates, just like he does...

...it would be so great!

Jolie said...

Love Iva's picture!
That is a question that I have thought of before, haven't we all?
Im like you though, I think of iconic music and events! I would love to have seen the Beatles when they first came to America!

Claire Kiefer said...

1. Love those tights in the picture!
2. I'd go to Paris in the 1920's and hang out at the cafes with all my favorite expatriate writers . . . wearing a sparkly bohemian dress and red lipstick. ;)

Emma said...

You write so beautifully! But hmmm..I think I might go back to Egypt during Cleopatra's reign. Lots of gold, lots of eye makeup, and a side of scandal as well.

Couture Carrie said...

Gorgeous post, darling!
My time machine would take me to Britain in the early 1800s...


Anonymous said...

Firstly, I love Jeremey Irons with a passion - where is that quote of his from. Secondly, I would go to Woostock as well, my dream. Le sigh.

Anonymous said...

Time travel sounds so ideal. When I think about it I would love to go back and redo it all. But I really love where I'm at in life...if I went back things might change.

xo, UnravelledThreads

Don't forget to enter my cumstom elastic waistband skirt giveaway!

Anonymous said...

such a lovely look. so hip! I like that time machine. Just don't know where I'd want to go though.

Gabby / Gypsy*Diaries said...

Hmmm.. and I'd love to go with you to Woodtock, dress up like boho princess and dance the night away.. :)


Sara said...

Awesome top! I think I would go back to the 1960's too but I am not sure when exactly. lol now I am going to be thinking about it all day, which isn't bad really :)

Krysten @ Why Girls Are Weird said...

Oh my gosh, love that pic.

I'd love to go to the 1920's. Just seems like a fun time to visit.

meraldia said...

I wish I had a time machine! I would travel in Ancient Rome wearing those wonderful maxi dresses!


I love that top! x


Charlie said...

amazing quote and picture!

VAMPIRES-AND-CARDIGANS.BLOGSPOT.COM – New Fashion Competition with a great prize!


Josie said...

I love that bracelet! Ohhh, such a hard question. I think I'd want to try going back to the 50s to be a perfect Donna Reed-style mom... Although I'd probably only last an hour before realizing that washing windows is really not my thing!
xxoo Josie

Jessica said...

oh so you're a flower power soul huh?! I would go back in time as well but it would be to Hollywood in the fabulous thirties and forties, the Golden Hollywood Era full of flowing dresses, gloves, hats, and class. sigh...

Great post idea darling! I love it!

Unknown said...

fabulous post xxxx

Jaclyn said...

I would love to go back in time, to like the 1800s. Some days I also wish that I could just pause time so that I could have more time to get everything done

Ashley said...

I would love to go back in time and see The Beatles in concert... or Woodstock, like you. Basically I'd love to live in the 60s!


Sootjeelina said...

Amazing post :D
My time-machine would take me to... the old Roman days. I always wanted to see how thinks are over there in that time :D

xoxo Sootjeelina <3

WeShop said...

What an interesting question. There are a lot of bands that I would have liked to see perform at their peak - Guns N Roses most I guess. x

Rachel @ The Haute Notes said...

What a fabulous outfit for a day at Woodstock. I adore the hat and the bracelet! :)

Jen said...

What a great post, Erika! I can imagine you at Woodstock, swaying in the breeze with all those free living flower children!

My time machine would also take me back to the 60s, but to London. I'd stroll down Carnaby St in a Mary Quaint mini and false lashes, pop in Biba for a maxi dress and some gold bangles and spend the evening swinging to the sounds of the 60s!

Anonymous said...

i'll come with you!!

Clare said...

Oh my time Machine would turn me back to the 60's too. Except not as a hippy. I would want to be a Jackie O type with a full skirt (a la Betty Draper) :)

Jaime @ laviejaime said...

Oh it'd be so hard to choose.... Princess Diana's wedding, the coronation of any French king/queen, catching a glimpse of Elvis/Marilyn Monroe, being at JFK's funeral.... the list goes on!

Elle said...

Great question... while there are so many moments in history I would love to witness, I think I'd go back to 2006 and make completely different life decisions - the internship, the boy, the city - I would have done it all differently.

lily said...

so dreamy. love those stockings too..in the top picture. I dunno. I wish I had Wyona Ryder's style from Heathers.

Leah said...

What a fabulous 'what if"... I would love to travel forward in time. Sorry, I'm so proactive. Hahaha! I would love to know how it is to live 50years from now. What technology advances are there, what clothes are the people wearing.

Have a great week ahead Erika! xoxo

Sarah M said...

another amazing and beautiful post! :) u seriosly have the most beautiful and intersiting style of writing...you should really look into writing adventure novels! :D

and the quote above is one of the best ive ever heard!

great post!

Emily said...

I would go back to the fifties..the women were so feminine then, I love how they wore dresses all the time!


Shop N' Chomp said...

I can totally imagine you at Woodstock! As for me, I wouldn't mind traveling back to Shanghai in the 30's.

J said...

I would go to the future to experience something crazy and new! But as for styles of clothing, I do like the 50s glamour look!

Francy said...

Oh my, I always want to time-travel to the past. I'm such a history nerd and love so many different eras, it would kill me to actually relive them. Woodstock is definately near the top for me too!

frockandrollonline.com said...

Oh, I LOVE this! :) What a clever, thought-provoking post!

Personally, I'd probably trail off to the future.. I'm undeniably nosy and would love to see where I am in ten years time!

Cafe Observer said...

Ditto de above commentators.
Plus, I love your JIrons quotation! :P

Rick said...

amazing post, Erika! I love the lace tights in the photo...enough for a guy to stay in this time dimension. BUT, if I had to choose, I would love to see for myself what fashion was like during the Harlem Rennaisance period. hope you had an amazing weekend!

la petite fashionista said...

when i was little my dad used to tell me time machine stories while I was falling asleep bc i was a huge history buff; if i could live any time, it would probably be the 1950's or a teenager in the 1980s :)


coolboy said...

if time went back i want to study well i have to change my past

great post erika

ashley lara @vivalafashoin.blogspot.com said...

ugh, those tights are to die for! I love them and I love your blog!! Have a look at mine when you have a moment: http://vivalafashoin.blogspot.com

xx ashleylara

stylefrontier said...

Oh love this post!
i want to wander back to era of modernism in Paris

join my giveaway :) 1205 giveaway

Nikolett said...

Aw, I won this book filled with fashionable ads and such from the 60s and I could so picture you as a wild child looking so fashionable in your top and gorgeous sunhat!

I would go ... hmms, maybe back to the 18th century where all the coffeehouses were made popular in Britain and pick apart a poet's mind while looking like an upper-class lady (this is all thanks to studying for my 18th Century British Lit exam tomorrow haha).

Hope you had a great weekend! :)

Mara said...

I love the quote! I'm going to have to remember it. I'm not sure where I'd go back to. Maybe to see my great great grandparents and what they were like and how their lives were. That would be really cool!

n. said...

oh, i do love that straw hat...and your blog is terribly pretty, i've never been here before :)

i'd go to fin de siècle paris, for beauty, decadence, and perhaps a taste of absinthe; or to the uk at the same time, to join the suffragettes...

Pratishtha Durga said...

Would probably go back to my wedding day, remove the ghastly make-up and put some light one on. LOL.

Clare said...

i love that picture...
not sure, maybe i would go back to paris in the 30s, excitment and pretty-ness x

Susu Paris Chic said...

What an inspiring question... I so love it when you bounce these, which you so nicely and regularly do!

I'd probably want to scoot back over to the eighties. I'd wish to feel the excitement of the developing music industry. Be in New York. Live what Madonna did in the movie 'Desperately Seeking Susan". Dress up in punk chic. Have drinks and get up on a sofa... somewhere, only to continue my adventure onto new disco floors.

A gal can dream, huh. Even if it is a bit crazy... of a thought.

For the past few days I've worn my bangs up like I used to do back in Jr. High. It feels so amazingly good to rediscover that look... sweet "Breakfast Club"-"Sixteen Candles" memories! Cult films for me.

Thanks immensely my fashion cupcake cutie - now I can hop over to the Paris buzz with sweet memories warming my little heart!

Chicago Chic said...

Every time I visit you, I am so amazing by your beautiful, witty, and inspiring writing my dear! You are truly talented. I love this post, and the imagination you stir up in all of us. I would love to travel to SO many different time periods. Since living in Rome I have always had visions of being able to step back just for a few hours, to see Rome during the crazy days of it's glory!

Happy Monday! ♥

Christina Lee said...

LOVE this--I'm thinking corsets and petticoats!!

Cat said...

Wow...Woodstock, that would be a great adventure! My time machine would take me back to the Tudor rein in 16th century England...I would love live the lifestyle of court but for a moment.

xo Cat

Anonymous said...

cool post

L said...

LOVE this question! I want to go everywhere really — England in the early 1800's/1900's, the US in the 50's, ancient China...I'd also love to go a hundred years from now to see how everything has changed!

Cindy Whitehead said...

Good thought provoking question. I think I'd go back to the late 70's.

SabinePsynopsis said...

Love the quote. Mr Irons... So clever! Woodstock sounds great! I would love to have a peek into the Golden 20s, please!

Denisa L said...

hmm, I would love to go back in the '20-'30, but somehow avoid the war..:)

Denisa L said...

hope I didn't let 3 comments, but it's showing me error,error,error...

Denisa L said...

I would like to go back in the '20-'30...but somehow avoid the wars:)

monica said...

hmmmm i cant imagine what i would choose, but since i cant predict the future i am going to choose to step back into the past

i would be dolce vita-ing in 60s italy, soaking up the almafi coastline in pucci silk with a dapper italian who drives a fancy car. perhaps we would stroll through florence discussing da vinci or explore rome while enjoying gelato after amazing pasta washed down with wine

Maddy said...

Oh! That would be an awesome time to go back to! I would love to have grown up in the 70's! The disco era with all it's glitz and glamour is calling my name!

BonBon Rose Girls Kristin said...

That gauze top is so fabulously beachy! I would love to go back to the time of full skirts and perpetual red manis!

Unknown said...

I'd go back and spend more time with my late dad. I miss him a lot.
I love this post! Beautiful in every possible way!

Meream said...

Hmm inneresting :D
My time machine will take me to the industrial revolution. Right when the printing press was invented :)

Vanessa said...

That sounds like an amazing place to travel to!

Sierra said...

I want to time travel badly, especially here! I think I would like to travel to the west and become a cowgirl and ride a horse! Yeeeehaww, lol.

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