
Runaway with Meg Cabot and Urban Outfitters Giveaway

Darlings, at the age of twelve, I fell in love. While, sadly, it wasn’t with a cute boy capable of making amazing mix tapes and willing to give me piggyback rides whenever I craved one, it was the next best thing…Meg Cabot. Over the years I have come to think of her fictional characters as close, personal best friends, whose crazy stories have oftentimes mirrored the goings-on in my very own life. Now, with the release of her new book Runaway, I could not be more heartbroken to see the final installment in the Airhead series for it means that Em Watts/Nikki Howard will no longer be a part of my existence; I am thrilled, however, that the book release will give one (1) of you beautiful bookworms the chance to win not only the complete Airhead Trilogy (Airhead, Being Nikki, and Runaway), but a $50 Gift Certificate to Urban Outfitters, as well! You’ve surmised correctly, kitty cats! Café Fashionista has teamed up with Big Honcho Media to give one (1) of you ravishing readers the chance to runaway with Meg Cabot, and her band of wild, crazy, and fabulous characters. To Enter the Runaway with Meg Cabot and Urban Outfitters Giveaway: For one (1) entry, leave a comment on this post between now and Friday, April 30, 2010 at midnight PST. For two (2) entries, Twitter about this giveaway, and leave a comment on this post between now and Friday, April 30, 2010 at midnight PST with your Twitter URL. For three (3) entries, become a follower of Café Fashionista on Blogger/Google Reader/Google Friend Connect/Twitter, and leave a comment on this post between now and Friday, April 30, 2010 at midnight PST (if you are already a Café Fashionista follower, please say so in your comment). I will randomly pick one (1) name out of a hat (who knows, it could be yours!), and announce the winner on Saturday, May 1, 2010. Good luck everyone! This Giveaway is open to U.S. residents! In the meantime...you are all invited to a Twitter Party! Join Runaway author Meg Cabot and Thea and Ana of The Book Smugglers for a Twitter party Thursday, April 22, between 8:30 and 10:30 p.m. EST! Be sure to follow Meg @MegCabot, Point at @ThisIsPoint, and Thea and Ana @BookSmugglers before the party! Join the fun! No one expects you or your tweets to be perfect; we’re just happy you made it to the party! Anyone who tweets during the party using #MegCabot is entered to win a limited edition Runaway t-shirt – featuring the winning design voted for by fans! Watch for questions from @BookSmugglers and win awesome prizes including an iPad, $50 Sephora gift cards or $25 VISA gift cards! To join the party, you can use our official party tweetgrid or just search #MegCabot on Twitter. Ask Meg questions or chat with other partygoers—just use the tag #MegCabot in all of your party tweets! (This is added automatically in TweetGrid.) Please don’t post any spoilers and don’t forget to pay attention to the time zones, the party starts at 8:30pm EST. Fashionably yours! Thanks to Big Honcho Media for the pictures.


Leah said...

Oh Erika, I love Meg Cabot. And UO too. I'm a follower of course. xoxo

Anonymous said...

Awesome giveaway! I definitely need some new reading material. I've been a follower for a few weeks :)

Unravelled Threads

Anonymous said...

I adore Meg Cabot! I'd love to win this, thanks so much girl.

shevilkenevil1 at aol dot com

Anonymous said...

I'm already a Google Friend Connect follower. I follow on Twitter (lipstickncandy) and on RSS Yahoo reader.

shevilkenevil1 at aol dot com

Marie said...

Haven't read them and would love to! Fab giveaway!

Anonymous said...

I tweeted:

shevilkenevil1 at aol dot com

Diane said...

great giveaway! i'd love to win! and i follow you, of course :)

Connie @ SogniESorrisi said...

I'm out because I'm Canadian, but just wanted to say what a great giveaway!

Have a wonderful weekend!

amstervrouwtje said...

thanks so much for your lovely comment, you make me smile! Yes it's me on the picture.. thankyou! I don't realy know what colour my eyes are.. it changes. But it's great that you want to change link! I'm going to add you now to my list.

Have a great weekend,
love from jamie.

amstervrouwtje said...

thanks so much for your lovely comment, you make me smile! Yes it's me on the picture.. thankyou! I don't realy know what colour my eyes are.. it changes. But it's great that you want to change link! I'm going to add you now to my list.

Have a great weekend,
love from jamie.

Leia said...

I wish I could participate in the giveaway, the book sounds fab!

Melissa Blake said...

I've never read her books, but would love to start!! xoxo

Hope you have a great weekend!

Lila said...

Love it!

Lila said...

Would love it.

And of course I am a follower

Roxanne said...

Oh my goodness, I would love to win. What a sweet little giveaway! xo

Josie said...

Of COURSE I'm a follower, my dear. I absolutely love Meg Cabot as well!
xxoo Josie

frockandrollonline.com said...

These books sound AMAZING! (And I've been looking for something new to read!)

Valerie said...

I red Size 12 is Not Fat a few years ago and LOVED it, but haven't checked out any of her other books yet. I also haven't read the sequels to French Women Don't Get Fat, but I NEED to right away!

What a wonderful giveaway! I'm already a follower. Happy Friday!


Krysten @ Why Girls Are Weird said...

I am always up for a new, good book! Sounds interesting!

J. said...

What a great giveaway! I need to reread her books again...maybe a nice quiet weekend...

Sara said...

Best Giveaway EVER!!! I love Meg Cabbot!!!, I have not read these ones yet, because i have no life.

Elaine said...

Great giveaway!! :D Yes, please! ;)

clothed much, a modest fashion blog

Alicia Lund said...

oooh yay!! i would love to read a meg cabbot book :) xoxo

Couture Carrie said...

Fab giveaway, darling!

Hope your weekend is awesome :)


Cat said...

Wow!!!! What a fantastic giveaway, dahling. You spoil us readers of your lovely blog so! :)

PS. I just heard about Twitter parties the other day...sounds like fun!!!!

Happy Friday :)

Robyn said...

Oh boy! I hope I win!

I follow you through Bloglovin'. :)


Tiffany said...

oh, what a fun giveaway! Seems like a great read!

Tights Lover said...

I haven't read these, but they do sound good!

And...oh do I have an eye on a few things at Urban Outfitters right now!

Mara said...

can you believe I've never heard of Meg Cabot?! I can't believe it either because I already know I'll LOVE her books! What a great giveaway :)

Sootjeelina said...

Too bad it's only for people in the USA :( But of course I will join the Twitter-party if it's not insanely early or late in Holland when it starts or begins...
BTW: thanks for leaving a comment on my blog, I really appreciate it :D

xoxo Sootjeelina <3

Tiffany Kadani said...

Oh my goodness- great giveaway! EXCITED!

Andhari said...

I love Meg Cabot. Her books made me smile and get all girlie!:D

Anonymous said...

Great post. Have a nice weekend:)

Charlie said...

i LOVE her books, im so glad you did this!!! omg so excited! im obviously already a follower lovely, please enter me!! :)

VAMPIRES-AND-CARDIGANS.BLOGSPOT.COM - Dont forget to enter the Giveaway!


WeShop said...

Oh, I've never heard of her. Will check out the books. x

L said...

You always come up with the best giveaways, I'm jealous! I've never read Meg Cabot (gasp!), will need to get moving on that I see.

Anonymous said...

i've never read meg cabot, but i'll go straight to amazon.com and order these - i trust your taste in fashion, so i figured - why not literature? :P

stylefrontier said...

i have become a follower through google friend connect :)

stylefrontier said...

aweseom giveaway~ count me in!


Unknown said...

fantastic giveaway!!

S.Elisabeth said...

This is possibly the most fabulous giveaway ever. I adore Meg Cabot! Like you I've grown up with her books. And free money at Urban Outfitters?! YES!!

I've done all three!

SabinePsynopsis said...

I've never heard of Meg Cabot, but they look like the perfect girlie books. Lovely give-away! Happy weekend, Erika. xx

SabinePsynopsis said...

P.S. Following you on bloglovin, bien sur!

The WOW Series said...

As soon as I am done with my boards... I will finally get to read for fun :)

The WOW Series said...

I follow you on google connect & twitter :)

The WOW Series said...

I twittered about the contest @narcissista :)

Jessica said...

and of course I'm an avid follower, even if sometimes I have to go TWO WHOLE WEEKS without internet!!! But never fear, I'm back hahah!

Jessica said...

I wanna win, I wanna win!! I LOOOOVE finding new books!

PS: You need to read The Host by Stephenie Meyer girlie..its awesome.

Nikolett said...

Ah such an amazing giveaway Erika :) I adore Meg Cabot ... and although I don't live in the U.S., I had no clue a third 'Airhead' novel had come out, so I'm going to go get my hands on that once I have more time!

Hope you have a fantastic weekend!

ellie said...

wow, what a way to start summer! Sounds like a fun series.

Oh, speaking of Roger and Doyle....I just kept thinking, how could they meet and well, I must admit I adore all those little venues I've gone to and all the things I've seen and well, it just happened.

Hope you have an uber fun weekend. Just got back from KICK-ASS & well, I want to see it, again. Its sort of YA Quentin Tarintino.

Kayla said...

I follow cafefashionista on google friend connect.


Kayla said...

I really like Meg Cabot's books!


Kayla said...




Unknown said...

Great giveaway. I am a follower and tweeted @zo1414


Kallie, Happy Honey and Lark said...

I still love her books!!!

COCAMIA said...

I have been following you for a while! Love this giveaway...xo

Unknown said...

Yay! How fun. Count me in. I follow you already of course.

And thank you... Joanna is such a sweet lady and I'm excited to be working with her. :)

Anna Joy said...

So cool! I love giveaways... haven't won one yet though... maybe this one???

Anna Joy said...

So cool! I love giveaways... haven't won one yet though... maybe this one???

Emily said...

always a follower ;)

Julia said...

I loved reading Meg Cabot books when I was younger. This post brings me back to all my favorite characters! great giveaway!


Francy said...

Amazing giveaway!

Jennifer Fabulous said...

Omg this is the coolest giveaway EVER!! I have been cooked on her books since Princess Diaries. Hehe. And, of course, obsessed with Urban Outfitters too. Yay!

Jennifer Fabulous said...

And I'm already a follower, of course. :P

Jennifer Fabulous said...

I tweeted!


Viva La Fashion said...

i love meg cabot too. she's so funny.

Anonymous said...

great post dear i like this neg cabot runway cool one
i cant participate in this b'cos i am not us resident

take care erika

Unknown said...

I love Meg Cabbot! I read all the princess diary books when i was in 4th grade :D and i love urban outfitters too!
randomness.blue (at) gmail (dot) com

Death Wears Diamond Jewellery said...

awww boo to USA only residents!

Kylie said...

I love the "Life is a runway" subtitle - is that new? If not, well aren't I a tool? If so, observant me! Yay!

Anonymous said...

Thank you for your sweet comment on my blog, it makes me so happy.

Agneta, the swedish one;)

Becky Tjandera said...

Oh my seriously ? Now I really want to live in the US . Aww . Meg Cabot is such a famous writer ! Haha . Good luck for everyone . Have a nice weekend to you Erika :D

glee said...

lovely giveaway! I can understand why you'd fell in love. :)

FashionJazz said...

Hey babe! Hope u are having a fab wknd! Mwah xx

Susu Paris Chic said...

Since I blog from Paris, I'm out of the game, but wanted to wish you a stylish weekend anyhow!

I'm enjoying the Paris sunny skies and sipping rosé on a terrace;)

Melmo Momoko said...

wonderful giveaway! I'd love to win :D I follow you now :)

Scientific Housewife said...

Great giveaway! I am a follower


Anonymous said...

such a cool giveaway. and great series, for sure.

edef said...

email: lamodedejuline@yahoo.com
been a follower via friend connect forever

Hope I win, I absolutely love this series. And was really upset that there was barely a preview after being nikki. So, I can't wait!! Hope I win :)

twirlgirl said...

meg cabot is a great author! this is such a great give away!

Ashley said...

What a fabulous giveaway!! Count me in :)



Unknown said...

I hope I win!

Unknown said...

I posted a Twitter comment!


Unknown said...

I LOVE Meg Cabot! I want to win!!!!! yay! Best author ever!

Unknown said...

I am following you on Twitter!

My Name: AwesomeNiks

Anonymous said...

I can't wait to read this book!


Gloria L. said...

me me me! count me in on this wonderful giveaway! I love Meg Cabot. Excited about Runaway coming out!

Clare Tea said...

Lovely giveaway, I'll be joining in~ meg cabot used to be one of my favorite authors.

le.paradis.found at gmail dot com

Clare Tea said...

I'm already your follower.

And now to see if I win...

le.paradis.found at gmail dot com

Clare Tea said...

here's my tweet! http://twitter.com/icitea/status/12392924404

Anonymous said...

Kennedy - I just absoultey in love with Em and Christopher. I wish Brandon would just leave

Rachel @ The Haute Notes said...

What a fun giveaway! I've actually never read any of those books. I'll have to check them out!

Krystalyn Drown said...

Please enter me. And I subscribe to your blog and Twitter (KrysteyBelle)


Unknown said...

google reader follower :)
i love meg cabot books!

Unknown said...

Meg is an awesome writer and I adore Urban Outfitters...good choice.

shel704 at aol dot com

Unknown said...

Google Friend follower

shel704 at aol dot com

Unknown said...


shel704 at aol dot com

ChickLitGirl said...

I'm an official follower!
Plus I tweeted:http://twitter.com/chicklitgirl
Aah I love Meg. I hope I win!

Katrina said...

Eep! This giveaway is awesome!

I am also a twitter follower and I tweeted! :)


Shelley said...

Cute giveaway! I'm a follower. Thanks!

Jean said...

Awesome giveaway

I'm a follower.

And I tweeted here: http://twitter.com/jeanisajedi/status/12428590706

My email address: warpaint.princess at gmail dot com

Catherine said...

Meg has gotten me through all of my teen years, I'm so excited for this last Airhead book!
i'm a follower too!
and i tweeted! http://twitter.com/catbme

Unknown said...

Her books are great! Thanks for sharing this giveaway. I'm a total book nerd.

Andrea Lopez said...

Great giveaway!

here's my tweet for it:

cheers for Meg Cabot!

little luxury list said...

Is it kinda funny that I want some home stuff if I got the gc? The books would be great for the beach!

little luxury list said...

Of course I'm a follower darling, who wouldn't be? ♡

little luxury list said...

I tweeted here http://twitter.com/cncliving/status/12447442548

Gina said...

Aww...it's always sad to say goodbye to a beloved series, but then again, it's not really goodbye....with books, you can visit ANYTIME! Count me in on your great contest, please!

Tweeted contest: http://twitter.com/GRgenius/status/12459352630


(Oh, and I love your site...the header is a perfect fit and the color scheme is easy on the eyes..)

raha said...

love,love meg cabot..one of my all time favorites..thanks for the giveway.


Unknown said...

I too have fallen in love with Meg's books! Thanks for the lovely giveaway!

Kaethe said...

I, too, love Meg Cabot.

Unknown said...

I'm so excited for Runaway!!! Can't wait for its release. I'm a new follower ^.^

Stephanie said...

I would like to be entered in the Airhead trilogy/Urban Outfitters contest!

MJ said...

I'm a follower via Google Friend Connect!


MJ said...

I'm very interested to read Meg Cabot, haven't tried her books before!


Elizabeth said...

To just BE part of this whole thing is AMAZING. I am really excited about the new book. Meg Cabot, you are one great writer. Thank you.

Miss Paradox said...

I would DIE to win this giveaway. Such a great idea! I am a follower of Cafe Fashionista on Twitter...that's how I found this! :)

Vittoria said...

dt http://twitter.com/DolphinV27/status/12552503585


Vittoria said...

i love urban outfitters and meg cabot! this is unbelievably perfect for me! thanks!


Vittoria said...

"I follow your blog with google friend connect!

thanks xx


semicolon walrus said...

Hm... Shiny free books...

Unknown said...

I love Urban Outfitters, was JUST on their site.

Jessie Neireiter said...

I'm now a follower and have twittered about this giveaway. Pick me, please! I LOVE Meg Cabot!


Lisa Lisa Lisa said...

I never win anything so I typically never even try, but this is too good to NOT try!! Thanks in advance *wink*

Lisa Lisa Lisa said...

By the way, I am a follower now too! =)

Unknown said...

I'm a follower too!!

Unknown said...

Enter me please!

J said...

PS I'm a follower as well :)

J said...

OMG I would love to win this!!

Elly said...

Lovely giveaway! I could definitely use something new and fun to read over the summer... :)

Unknown said...

Love the blog and UO!!!

Hope I win!!

saraH said...

I would love to win!


saraH said...

follower of your blog #3


saraH said...

follower of your blog #2


saraH said...

follower of your blog#1


Anonymous said...

i am a follower! and i love urban outfitters!

JW said...

awesome giveaway! yay! :)

Jennifer Ortakales said...

I love UO! Their clothes are amazing!


Ming said...

I also follow your blog :)

Ming said...

They sound like perfect books for summer!

mama mouse said...

i also follow your blog ;)

mama mouse said...

i followed on facebook and posted your blog, i tweeted @ http://twitter.com/the_end_is_nigh and im posting a comment hurray! i love your blog and UO

Sandy a la Mode said...

Wow, you seriously have some AWESOME giveaways! I HEART Urban Outfitters and reading! =) Thanks for a chance to win!

Sandy a la Mode said...

And I am totally a follower of your blog! =)

Sandy a la Mode said...

*tweet tweet* I twittered about this FAB giveaway! http://twitter.com/sandyalamode/status/12791907184

Unknown said...

I love urban outfitters!! Enter me please

emlane said...

awesome contest! love meg cabot and love your blog!

hana.k said...

Awesome giveaway!

Dino Rubio said...

1. enter me please I've been wanting to read the airhead series for a long time

2. I tweeted about it here www.twitter.com/funkywaterdino

3. I'm follower of cafe fashionista now too!

thanks for the great contest!

Frannie said...

OH MY Gosh!!!!! Cafe Fashionista you are amazing :) I am definitely a follower and I would be ridiculously happy if I could win. I have read almost all of her books. This is one of the only series I haven't read yet.

Meg Cabot=My Favorite Author <3

Stylista Fitness said...

Please enter me :D
I follow you on bloglovin
liis177 at hotmail dot com

I tweeted


Lizzie said...

I also follow you on blogger :)

Lizzie said...

OMG I LOVE Meg Cabot and would love to win this! I haven't read this series of books yet :)


Lizzie said...

I also tweeted!

C said...

Thank you for the giveaway!

kaleidoscopequeen at gmail dot com

Jen Hsieh said...

what a fantastic giveaway! i'm crossing my fingers so hard they hurt! :)

i'm a follower of you through google friend connect!


Simply Melissa said...

I really wanna win this!!!!

I'm following you on blogger
(my email melissariollano@gmail.com)

I'm following you on twitter and tweeted
(my twitter is @miz_melissa)

And, I'm writing this post :)

I believe that's 3 entries... :::fingers crossed:::

AL said...

I just discovered your blog. Thanks for having this give away.



Anonymous said...

I really try to never read series books until the entire series is already out. I made a mistake and started this on before I realized a third book was coming out, so here I am fighting for a chance to win it! :)

I just found this blog and am now a follower!


December said...

YAAY!! Love this opportunity!

I tweeted about it here:

Colette Maddock said...

I can't wait to read this book! I am a fashionista/ book lover/ already a follower of you on twitter missy!

I retweeted your giveaway... hopefully I'll be chosen...


Unknown said...

Also, I am following you on Twitter and blogger!

Unknown said...

I would love to win this!!

Amy said...

What a lovely idea for a giverway, the book looks great and I love Urban Outfitters :) But wish I could enter I'm not a U.S resident :(

Anna said...

i LOVE meg cabot!! this is pne of my favorite giveaways ever!

Anna said...

and i follow you in my google reader.

M.A.D. said...

Mary D
zenrei57 (at) hotmail (dot) com

Meg Cabot is one of my very fav authors, I'd love to win her books!

Deanna said...

I'd love to win! :)

Deanna said...

I'm already a follower on Google/Blogger.

Deanna said...



Michelle said...

i remember reading the original princess diaries.. ah :)


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