
Thrifty Thursday: Dolce & Gabbana Mesh Overlay Dress for Less

Kitty cats, obviously it should come as no surprise that lace will forever be synonymous with ladylike musings; leather will always invoke thoughts of rebellious behaviors; silk and satins will be viewed as shimmering seductresses; and tulle, with its constant appearance in the world of ballet, will eternally make one want to get jiggy with it upon sight. But we are forgetting one texture that far too often is overlooked, yet is utterly essential in some shape or form within the fashionista’s closet; and that, dolls, is mesh.

While certainly not allocated in the design world as much as it could be, the minute open spaces found upon the net-inspired material is a playful way to coquettishly show off a little skin without being overtly flamboyant; making it the perfect solution to adding a bit of cheekiness to your cosmopolitan air. And truly, I imagine there is no better way to work it in to one’s wardrobe than via Dolce & Gabbana’s Mesh Overlay Dress.

Ever so slightly reminiscent of the black and white stripes covering the bodies of graceful zebras, the Mesh Overlay Dress combines two decadent textures into one blissful design by covering a solid black corset dress displaying a sweetheart neckline with an overlay of mesh, which serves as a backdrop to thick stripes that create an effect not unlike that of the sun’s rays, making the wearer radiate beauty from the moment she enters the room, until the very second she departs.

Let’s be truthful darlings, shall we? As members of the fairer, genteel gender, we are already aware of the fact that pieces with such capabilities do not come into one’s life on a daily basis. When you unearth a design which harbors the ability to create such wonderment and buzz around your person there is one thing, and one thing only to do…buy! And that is precisely what I would be doing if the $645.00 price tag and my on-the-verge-of-exceeding-the-credit-limit of my AmEx weren’t standing in the way. Luckily, there’s Nasty Gal.

So it lacks the exposed zipper and slit adorning the back of the Dolce & Gabbana gem; but for $78.00, Nasty Gal’s Showgirl Bustier Dress is a chic compromise that won’t leave you broke. In fact, you may just be able to snatch up a pair of feisty footwear to go with your new frock!

Now the question remains…will you be thrifty, or suckered into putting on your spendthrift cap?

Fashionably yours!

Thanks to Stylehive and Nasty Gal for the pictures.

Don't forget to enter The Secret is in the Hair Giveaway for your chance to win a PINK Hana Elite Flat Iron from Misikko.


Anonymous said...

I really, really like that dress! Such a cool shape and pattern. If only I had somewhere to wear it...

Unravelled Threads

C said...

Wow! This piece is absolute fab!
Love the lines they highlighted.

Imogen said...

I love that dress and I'm really starting to like the bustier trend right now.

daisychain said...

Um wow. I think I love the thrifty version more than the expensive one!

Roxanne said...

This is such a wonderful piece, but I would definitely snag the cheaper version! xo

Leah said...

Both are gorgeous... so hot and so sexy. Of course, I can just admire them from a distance as I don't really wear body hugging dresses. Hahaha!

Have a great day Erika! xoxo

amstervrouwtje said...

I love your blog so much, great layout etc. maybe we can link each?


Devea said...

I LOVE it! Thanks for the thriftier option as I don't have $645 to spend on a dress! Plus it looks equally fab!

Valerie said...

Oooh, I've longed for this dress ever since I saw it on Lauren Conrad. It's gorgeous and sexy and feminine all at the same time. But since I'm always looking for a bargain and $645 doesn't work for my budget, I'd have to go for the nasty Gal version. It looks exactly the same! Great find, Erika!

Maddy said...

They're practically identical! Great find! My vote is for the thrifty option :) I find that I never splurge on clothes, but I love to accessorize with some high end items!

Guiltyhyena said...

The Zig Zag flowy styled lines are really enticing, nice version from Nasty Gal!

Sootjeelina said...

I love them both so much :D
I even think the Nasty Gal-dress looks better then the Dolce.

xoxo Sootjeelina <3

Erin said...

YUM! those dresses are absolutely fabulous.

Couture Carrie said...

Stunning find, darling! I NEED that Nasty Gal dress asap!


Denisa L said...

hahaha they are identical...
you match them perfectly!
love the cheap one:))

Tiffany Kadani said...

Great choice and it looks way flattering. That reminds me, I need a bustier.

Rachel Scarlet said...

OMG Erika! The bustier dress is to-die-for! Interesting pattern! xoxo :)

Clare said...

i love the style of the lines around the dress, very flattering! i'm a fan of mesh x

Midnight Cowgirl said...

What a great find! I love the details on the dress!

Josie said...

I LOVE the slightly darker color on the D&G dress, but they're so similar -- what a fab find!
xxoo Josie

Rosie Campbell said...

Love, love, love those dresses.


Anonymous said...

Gorgeous dress:)

SabinePsynopsis said...

What a great find, Erika. At a tenth of a price and nearly the same design I'll definitely be thrifty!

That Chelsea Girl™ said...

I actually like the Nasty Gal version better...great find as always!

Anonymous said...

wow fabulous outfit i like her galses looks bit funny but good,

how are you erika,

hey thanks for beautiful comment
take care enjoy life

ellie said...

clothes to play in and more! great looks and finds!

Cat said...

One thing is for certain...this dress is HOT, hot!!!! Fabulous dahling :)

Charlie said...

LOVE the second dress, so gorgeous!

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Anonymous said...

so sexy for summer.

Jaime @ laviejaime said...

Hot dresses...love love! This would be a fun bday dress... hehe.

Claire Kiefer said...

I'm amazed at how much these two dresses look alike. Isn't there some sort of plagiarism rule in fashion? I mean GEEZ . . . they're both cute, don't get me wrong, but the second one looks pretty much like a copy of the first. Wild!!!

Gorgeous Glam said...

I'm definitely the girl who will look for the deal rather than spend 6 hundo! Just match it up with some nice shoes and dannnng girl! :) xoxo

ediot said...

great post. i love LookS for less. both these dresses are divine. but id definitely go for the nastygal one. love that store. its aHmaZingness.
hope youre having an great week so far darling!

xx ediot

S.Elisabeth said...

This is a fabulous find! I'm loving Nasty Gal's version, and of course the price makes me love it more!

Anonymous said...

what an amazing dress! i think i like the nasty gal one better!

Francy said...

Wow, both dresses are absolutely fabulous!

Tights Lover said...

I seriously may be obsessed with mesh. I love both dresses...for $78, I would definitely get the Nasty Gal option!

lily said...

sort of new meets old Hollywood. it has a nostalgia about it.

Unknown said...

The cheaper one is a way better price, but I think I like the original better!

Frannie said...

I think I may like the cheaper one more! Love it :)

Nathalie said...

Wow, that's amazing. The Nasty Gal dress looks so gorgeous too!

Caitlin @ Candyfloss & Persie said...

I would definitely take the thrifty option here!!! I love it and I think the like the lighter undertones more!!! You are amazing at this Erika- everytime!

ak said...

i love mesh esp when it's black over nude..very sexy


Clare said...

Yes I just love Nasty Gal that dress is HOT HOT HOOOT!!

Jennifer Fabulous said...

Cute dress! I actually love the cheaper version better. Yay!

PS. My mom and sisters (who have dyed/bleached/permed/ruined) their hair over the years always BEG me never to do anything to mine. They warn me it will turn to straw like theirs. Lol. So I'm never going to touch it (unless I'm much older and want to hide grays, perhaps). Do you think you will ever dye/highlight your hair?

LifestyleBohemia said...

Oh wow, this dress is HOT!
Thank you for sharing!

Shop N' Chomp said...

I'd go thrifty on this one!

Meg said...

Those are both great! I would love to have either in my closet!

BonBon Rose Girls Kristin said...

Nasty Gal..Ah ha ha

Sara said...

oh I would take the Nasty Gal one, it looks so much like the other one! I really like this dress, a lot actually. I need some more "going out" clothes and I would love to have something like this in my closet!

jess said...

I think I like the cheap one better.

Unknown said...

great outfit,
nice post erika,
how are you,
how is your life going on

take are
see you soon

Yulia Rahmawati said...

I love D&G
thx for sharing

Get Up,Survive, Go Back To The Bed

michelle_ said...

that's sucha great knock off !
how do you find these pieces everytime ?
is there a certain website you look to ?

michelle ||

Anonymous said...

Thank you for your nice comment on my blog.

Your blog is wonderfully inspiring!

A small footprint from Agneta & Sweden... again ;)

MizzJ said...

You are one skilled lady at finding almost identical items! I would say thrifty on this one as they are so close, but really, why would anyone name a brand Nasty Gal? Can you imagine the embarassment when someone asks you where your dress is from and you have to go "Um.. Nasty Gal. No, not you, the dress!"

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Sherin said...

Wow. I love the design of the dress. The lace looks stunning. I think I will have to have both this week.

Anna Jane said...

I actually prefer the Nastygal version - I prefer how the undercolour is lighter and the bustier doesn't look so tiny! I really love how different these dresses look :)

- Anna Jane xxx

Christina Lee said...

SEXY and pretty!

Rick said...

Erika gettin "jiggy with it" ... I love it! I agree the Nasty Girl version of the dress works just as well.

thanks as always for your sweet comments. it's a birthday weekend, hence the dancing!! have an awesome weekend!!! :)

bananas. said...

Dude...that is identical. I'm all for D&G but not for their price tag. And nasty gal done stole that dress which i happily condone.

Rachel @ The Haute Notes said...

They look so similar! Not sure I could pull it off, but I would definitely be thrifty and go for the Nasty Gal version.

Sara Lee Bentley said...

I've been wanting one of these Dolce and Gabbana bustier dresses forever -- such a style clasic. And I love this version you unearthed! So, though Nasty Gal's version is pretty close and definitely a great deal, I think I'll have to say that I'll stretch my pennies for the real deal :)


All Women Stalker said...

Whoah. How do you find these things? You are so good!

frockandrollonline.com said...

Ooh, this dress is positively DELICIOUS!

J. said...

How did I miss this yesterday? Oh yeah...work...

I love them both, but the fact that it's such a lovely memorable dress means it's not something that can go into a weekly rotation, (she's wearing that dress again,) so it would be a waste to blow $645, so thifty me in!

Tiffany said...

fab look for less! I would definitely try out the cheaper look (just not sure I can pull it off) :)

Sarah Whitney said...

I actually like the nasty gal version better. I love their whole store in general... I wish I could own one of everything on their site!

Iva Messy said...

OMG!!! WOW!!! amazing find Erika!! thats so awesome!! Happy Friday! I hope you have a great weekend!

Nikolett said...

Definitely going with the thrifty, it's still such a neat pattern and it's a different dress than what I'm used to seeing! How do you spot these similar designs ... you amaze me every time you do one of these, no joke :)

Elle said...

Ahh I fell in love with this dress when I saw it on Lauren Conrad awhile ago... so chic! And yay the look for less version is just as pretty :)

Emily said...

this dress is absolutely gorgeous! I want it :)

Fashion Court said...

you always make me lust after the inspired version! i actually like it better ;o)

Scientific Housewife said...

Wow, it looks so similar!

Xin @ Invincible Summer said...

Whoooa, the two dresses are - for all intents and purposes - basically the same!

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