
Why Don't You...?

… cast thoughts of bad hair days to the wayside, and allow your luscious locks to fly freely in the cool breeze? Take heed of Kahlil Gibran’s words, dolls; “Forget not that the earth delights to feel your bare feet and the winds long to play with your hair.”

…slip into the Shoshanna Daisy Garden Bikini you’ve been harboring in your dresser drawer and run through the sprinklers in your front yard?

…be Barbie? Darlings, Barbie is a gorgeous individual who can be anything she desires; therefore, emulate her. Allocate the use of dramatic fake lashes; slick on Lime Crime’s Countess Fluorescent Opaque Lipstick for that perfect pink pout; and wing your liner in a way that would make the Blonde Bombshell herself proud! Don’t forget the black pumps; I believe Louboutins are in order.

…find a sunny spot in your bedroom, kick off your Pelle Moda Yaritza Platform Wedge Sandals, and take a catnap in the middle of the afternoon?

…put on your Elizabeth and James Juliet Dress, take the hand of a cute boy, and spend the day at the fair? Fluffy pink cotton candy for dinner and multiple rides on the carousel are, of course, a necessity!

Fashionably yours!

Thanks to Tumblr for the picture.

Don't forget to enter the Ring Around the Rosie Giveaway for your chance to win a Sterling Silver Trinity Ring with Pink Swarovski Crystals from Jewels of Denial.


Melanie's Randomness said...

Taking a catnap sounds absolutely delightful & going to the faire!! Soon!

C said...

I love the picture.
I think it's hard to become Barbie although we can try.

SabinePsynopsis said...

Fabulous ideas, Erika. Louboutins are always in order for me, but I cannot much longer ignore that I need a haircut... flying in the wind or not ;-)

Luana said...

WOW that Juliet Dress...must. own it. I'm now going to make sure everyone knows that my birthday is coming up later on this month!

Leah said...

I really envy Barbie... she has Louboutin and I don't. Hahaha!

I love the wedge... just the perfect color I want right now.

Have a great day Erika! xoxo


I would love to slip into that bikini or E & J dress. Love the image at the top. xo


karen said...

sunny spots and cat naps are the best.

Rachel @ The Haute Notes said...

Great post, Erika!
A day at the fair in that Elizabeth and James dress and eating cotton candy would be perfect!

Roxanne said...

That Kahlil Gibran quote is absolutely perfect for spring! xo

Rohini said...

Louboutins ftw! Love the wedges too. :)

J. said...

I may go after that cat nap...but the cotton candy dinner doesn't sound too bad either!

Alicia Lund said...

ooh i want to do all of these! especially take a cat nap in a sunny bedroom! it's so nice outside today!! ahhh :)

Joanne said...

I DID cast thoughts of bad hair days aside today, because I actually had an appointment this morning for a haircut ;)

Anonymous said...

how are u erika

nice post
catnap sounds cool

Valerie said...

I'm channeling myself to be at the fair, eating cotton candy in the Juliet Dress right now. It's not working. But I'm feeling happier just by imagining it. :)

Elisa @ Globetrotting in Heels said...

I LOVE your "Why don't you..." posts! So inspiring!

Sara said...

All of these sound wonderful! I still run through the sprinklers!!

I soooo wanna go to the fair, they closed the state fair in MI, the last one was last summer :(

Susu Paris Chic said...

I want to be a Barbie. Pink pout and Loubie pumps. Thanks for the inspiration, Dollie!

Haute World said...

Ahh, I love the Barbie comment! So many think the concept of Barbie is sexit but I like how you draw on the fact that she has had over over a hundred different jobs! Not to mention an enviable wardrobe... sigh.

Caitlin @ Candyfloss & Persie said...

I wish I could kick off my Pella Mode wedges but alas I don't have any :) haha and be barbie? I would love to be, I actually just got excited at the idea of that. I love that Gibran quote too. Such a soothing post.

Andhari said...

I love cat naps. And play dress ups like barbies ;p seriously, long thick eyelashes and glossy lips make me feel pretty!

Krysten @ Why Girls Are Weird said...

Wonderfully lovely post =-)

Amber said...

Wow I want to do all of these things

That bikini, that lip gloss and that dress are all now needed in my life.

Tiffany Kadani said...

That sounds all so amazing. Especially the wind in the hair one. Oh, how I crave driving a snazzy convertible along highway 1. Let's go soon!

Johanna Urban said...

Nice blog, :D

ART --->

Tights Lover said...

Goodness, I'm in terrible need of an afternoon catnap, right about now.
I hope your week is going well!

Josie said...

Ahhhh, I love this! Barbie is the greatest individual EVER because she can do anything. Come on, she's gorgeous PLUS she can be President, a flight attendant, and a rock star! Furthermore, I'm absolutely in love with the Juliet dress... I featured it and Emily did such a lovely C&C post on it!
xxoo Josie

Catie said...

The Juliet Dress is amazingly beautiful... if only I wasn't a college student and had a good paying job... It's definitely an inspiring dress though. I'm definitely going to be on the lookout for a version that's within my budget.

Couture Carrie said...

Love everything in this post, darling E, especially the Elizabeth and James dress!



I have a total Barbie issue as it is - too much pink, waaaayyyy too much ! Every time I pack to go on holiday I look like Barbie goes on holiday - all my pink things seem to make it into the case and it's just too much ! Loved your post though...

The Anthology said...

What a beautiful quote! Can't wait until it's warm enough to wander around in nothing but bare feet.


Anonymous said...

they're all such brilliant ideas, except maybe no. 2, as there's still snow on the ground here...

It's just a Monday said...

Hey, thanks for stopping by,

Austin was amazing!!! I need to get myself back asap.


Sherin said...

I'm definitely listening to Kahlil Gibran's words! It's an amazing quote.
And the Juliet Dress is to DIE for. I love it so much.

Denisa L said...

love those Yaritza wedges:x

That Chelsea Girl™ said...

I am obsessed with Lime Crime's colours...ahhh, how I wish I was Barbie :)

Shop N' Chomp said...

What a cute bikini! *^_^*

meraldia said...

Kahlil Gibran is so right!!

Jamie said...

Oh girl you know my black Louboutin Pumps are never far from my mind...or my feet! But more importantly I am going to put on the white BCBG gown I posted and take the hand of a VERY cute boy and dance the night away in St. Louis next week...can't wait! ;)


Cindy Whitehead said...

Loving the "running through the sprinklers" So kid like - I love stuff like that! Thanks for always reminding me to live life and have fun xo

joei ♥ said...

oh barbie! who doesn't love barbie? ;)


Rock Couture said...

Love the picture and of course your list... I could use a catnap....

Style, via Tia said...

I feel you on the cat nap!

Mara said...

Oh i love that Elizabeth and James dress! It's so pretty and i love the colors! Maybe I do have a pink problem haha

BonBon Rose Girls Kristin said...

I sure WISH I could slip into that gorg bikini! Darn big baby!

Emily said...

I absolutely LOVE those wedges..those are exactly what I have been looking for! And that dress is fab.

Jen Hsieh said...

i've just taken an afternoon nap and let me hair blow in the wind! two checked off the list! :)

i always love these "why don't you" posts!

ana said...

I want to do everything you suggest ;)

ellie said...

what fun outfits! I needed to be warmed up today. Rainy and cold here.

Samantha said...

I've been away for a while - I missed your wednesday blogs! Hope you had a good easter! :)

Winnie said...

My favourite thing after a day at uni is a little nap in the afternoon!

Gorgeous Glam said...

I need a catnap right about now! Lovely ideas doll ;) hope you have a fabulous day xoxo

Clare said...

I desperately need to follow your advice regarding bad hair days. It is time for me to embrace my crazy lion hair!

COCAMIA said...

Catnaps rule!!!

Anonymous said...

oh, you are making me wish it was summer!

kknelson2 said...

Living like Barbie is going to be my new thing :)

Rick said...

I love Wednesdays (and every day) at Cafe Fashionista! Felt inspired by Kahil Gibran and Christian Louboutin? This rocked! :)

The Fashion Fool said...

it all sounds like a dream! i love these tips! :)

ak said...

mmm definitely want to hold the hand of a cute boy ;)

i also want some sort of tat in that same spot..something little and cute =)


Theresa said...

I always look forward to these posts of yours on Wednesdays! That Juliet Dress is darling. :]

maddy said...

Why don't I take a catnap? Why, I think I shall!! I love the days when I don't care about my hair and let the wind do what it wishes with it. :) Hope you had a fabulous Easter!

stay classy love,

jess said...

That pink lipstick is wonderful. Its so neon!

hannah said...

that elizabeth and james dress is fab! love the photo too.

Kathryn said...

A catnap sounds perfect!!

Amanda @ Life with A.Co said...

Such a cute pic - is that you!?

Fake lashes! Yes! Barbie! I'm all for it ;)

A.Co @ A.Co est. 1984

Sarah Whitney said...

Oh I'd LOVE to have run through a sprinkler today... it was so hot!

lily said...

great to know what to look out for.

Ellen said...

Barbie gets better every year. And isn't she over 50?? Elizabeth and James, Louboutins...yes, PLEAZE!


S.Elisabeth said...

Oh how I would adore to do the last thing on the list with a certain boy, he'd be perfect for a day at the fair! And obviously that dress is perfection in all but cost! Love your why don't you lists, always so perfectly creative.

michelle_ said...

just saw the Yaritza platform wedge + juliet dress, they're both divine pieces !

visit/comment/follow me back at..
michelle || glisters and blisters

Unknown said...

Barbie is awesome. And I LOVE pink!

ediot said...

hi loVE! what an great post. when ive got an bad hair day- which is just about every day-haha i put on a beanie- or spray my hair with dry shampoo- because my hair is fine and nothing else can add volume..
love the bikini and dress so very much.thanks for sharing.

xx ediot

Death Wears Diamond Jewellery said...

im so desperate to try limecrime makeup! love elizabeth and james, such a pretty dress!

glee said...

i love that idea, slip into your favorite bikini and run into spirnkles in your frontyard. ;)

Unknown said...

Daytime naps are of the sweetest luxuries.. You are darlingx

Christina Lee said...

Too funny, b/c I just mentioned a Barbie photo shoot today. She has the life ;-)

Guiltyhyena said...

Lovely quote from Kahlil Gibran, might try that the next time I have a bad hair day :)

Anonymous said...

WHat a pretty dress! I would so wear that at a fair with a cute boy!

Maddy said...

Catnaps are essential for me :) On some sunny days, I even take a nap in the park during my work lunch break. Those have to be the best naps ever!! Hope you're week is going great, Erika! I am working on finishing the book, so I can get it to you ASAP. I haven't forgotten ;)

Absolutely Ladylike said...

Ha ha ha, I wanna be Barbie, the btch has everything! LOL.

Lovely post!

Have a great Thursday dear Erika, cheers: Evi

daisychain said...

amazing suggestions + congrats on being featured x

Islandia Lane said...

love that you are quoting Gibran and I would love to be in a juliet dress and spend all day at the fair holding hands with a cutie! Good ones this week!

Anonymous said...

Fabulous ideas! Love that photo too :)



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