
Play It Again, Sam

I Should’ve Been After You - Rooney
Come Around - MIA feat. Timbaland
The Show - Lenka
She Comes Alive - Baby Monster
White Sky - Vampire Weekend
Sometimes - Miami Horror
Buzzin’ - Shwayze
Kiss N Tell - Ke$ha
Bruises - Chairlift
How to Say Goodbye - Paul Tiernan

What song has left you with the urge to say Play It Again, Sam this week, my loves?

Fashionably yours!

Thanks to Sexo, Moda & Rock n' Roll for the picture.

Don't forget to enter the Runaway with Meg Cabot and Urban Outfitters Giveaway for your chance to win Meg Cabot’s Airhead Trilogy and a $50 Gift Certificate from Urban Outfitters.


Anonymous said...

Thank you again girl! love these!

Miss Neira


Chicago Chic said...

What a great photo!!! This week I have been loving anything Morrissey! :)

Happy Monday Erika.


Jolie said...

Always a great list! I have Vampire weekend and the MIA song on my ipod. I need a new playlist for the gym, I am getting bored!

Josie said...

Lovely list as always -- Ke$ha is a major guilty pleasure for me. I'm completely ashamed to say that "Bed Rock" has been stuck in my head since Friday. It's an unfortunate situation.
xxoo Josie

COCAMIA said...

Today? Anything by Queen!!!

Nathalie said...

That picture is great. And I am currently back to the 80s again, somehow :)

Leah said...

Cute image... love the naughty smile.

I'm having a last song syndrome after I heard Adam Lambert sing his signature song in AI the other day... "what do you want from me".

Have a great week ahead Erika! xoxo

Anonymous said...

I really want some peanut butter. I can't wait to YouTube all these songs!


Krysten @ Why Girls Are Weird said...

Fabulous list, I'll be checking these out!

Anonymous said...

i haven't listened to vampire weekend in aaaages!

bananas. said...

Is that kesha i see on your playlist? Finally!!! Someone else who still likes her like me :)


Erika, thank you for the sweet comment! It made my Monday morning. I love the photo you picked for this post as usual. I gotta download some of these! x


Clare said...

i love these posts!
this week for me its been (antichrist television blues) by arcade fire x

Susu Paris Chic said...

Rihanna... lots of stuff at the moment from this rocky lady get right to the very sweet bone of mine.

Have sweet spring time days!

Couture Carrie said...

Love White Sky! It's about MOMA, which is my fave NYC museum!

Fab playlist as usual, darling!

Love that pic too!


Cindy Whitehead said...

Today its "Forever Young" (-: Just bought Megs new book - looks good!

glee said...

I need to check these songs out. I'm quite behind these days when it comes to songs :)

Sara said...

Eirka! ROONEY!!! I love Rooney, we might fight over Robert someday... lol JK. I got to meet him at the Rooney Concert last November in Detroit, he is CUTE!! He is really nice too, he said HI to Kyle as well, all the guys were really nice. :)

Oh and that pic was sooo me yesterday, I was eating peanut butter like crazy!

I have had "Chasing pirates" by Norah Jones stuck in my head all weekend :)

Alicia Lund said...

lovin that photo...spooning pb from the jar! :)

Roxanne said...

Lillikoi Boy by Jonsi is the best song on repeat! I've been listening to it nonstop and it makes school work a little more tolerable! xo

stylefrontier said...

love your playlist dear!

join my giveaway :) 1205 giveaway

stylefrontier said...

love your playlist dear!

join my giveaway :) 1205 giveaway

The Blonde Duck said...

(Scurrying away to eat PB out of a jar.)

Charlie said...

definitley this aint a love song by scouting for girls, loveeee that song :,)



Tiffany Kadani said...

Yep, we definitely need to go out to the clubs and dance to this playlist. Thank you Fashionista DJ!

Allegra said...

"we no speak americano" (I do not know by whom it is)

and "little bit" by lykke li

dasha said...

loving the playlist. i second little bit by lykke li and vampire weekend's white sky!

Elizabeth Marie said...

Yay these are my fav! Ohhh Buzzin! That reminds me of last summer, yayyy!

I can't stop listening to "Airplanes" by B.O.B and Hayley Williams. I.die.

vicky h. said...

that picture totally just made my day! and buzzin' reminds me sooo much of summer 2 years ago, my boyfriend and I used to listen to it all the time :)

Bikinis & Passports

Unknown said...

thanks for beautiful comment dear have agreat say see you soon

K said...

Oh gosh, so glad you put up that Rooney song! It's on rotation at work.

ellie said...

Rooney will always be dear to me. I'm love'n vampire weekend. I just got Rogue Wave's latest and its growing on me.

Denisa L said...

I had an obession with Lenka's song The show:)

Elle said...

is she eating peanut butter out of the jar?! yum :) love vampire weekend too... i'm all about casada's evacuate the dancefloor this week!

Anonymous said...

sweet playlist. Have you listened to the latest Gorillaz? Some pretty happening tunes.

Sootjeelina said...

Actually no song popped into my head this weekend I remember... But those songs are amazing :D

xoxo Sootjeelina <3

Clare said...

Yes! I am so glad you shouted out Ke$ha! She is totally my guilty pleasure! Hurray! P.s this photo makes me want some serious peanut butter!

WeShop said...

Great list! I've been listening to Diana Ross & The Supremes non-stop for the past 2 weeks. No idea what's prompted that! x

S.Elisabeth said...

I love love love Ke$ha! And Kiss N Tell is such a bad ass type of song!
Hmm.. my songs on repeat happen to be in Mandarin-- "Loving you more and more" by Fei Lun Hai the main one. In terms of English... "Hey Soul Sister"! Haha

Laura Gerencser said...

Def. Adam Lamberts "Sure fire Winners"!!!

BonBon Rose Girls Kristin said...

Tin Cup Chalice is on repeat for me! I'm in a summery frame of mind right now!

Claire Kiefer said...

I gotta admit I've totally got American Idol on the brain these days, but I love your Monday playlists and am going to download the songs on this one that I don't already have. Thanks Erika!!

Caitlin @ Candyfloss & Persie said...

I have "come around" on repeat now! Loves it. That and "Rude Boy" - Rihanna and "Morning after dark" - timbaland are my faves today!

C h a n d r a said...

ooo I just love that picture! so stylish and full of charatcer. rawr. & fun music, too.

love ya girl!!

<3 http://www.prettytimepiece.org

Devea said...

Love The Show by Lenka, gonna go listen to it right now.... :)

Sherin said...

Great playlist! Can't wait to give them all a listen. I'm loving Keane's 'Stop for a Minute'!

Anonymous said...

you have the best taste in music! i've had iyaz - replay on repeat this week, it's such an ear-worm..

Style with Benefits said...

Great picks! I love Lenka & Shwayze! Haha. Did you ever see the Shwayze reality show on MTV? Entetaining to say the least.

Hope you are having a great Monday! Recently I've been overplaying music by Andrew Belle. If you like the independent songwriter types (a la Jack Johnson) you'd like him. He's amazing, IMHO!

xo, becs

Winnie said...

Great pic and awesome music too. I have an endless playlist...currently Japanese music :)

Tiffany said...

great music list! I am going to listen to your picks, I love adding new music to my iPod!

Emma said...

ooohh fab picture!
Vampire Weekend is my favorite band right now. And I love Schwayze!

L said...

Love this photo, it's so playful! Unfortunately I think I'm in a bit of a music rut! I might go ahead and check all of these out, hopefully I'll find things to add to my collection. But music that never fails me are songs my boyfriend has written and recorded for me ;p

Sierra said...

Great songs as always, hope you had a great weekend doll!

Mara said...

I looove that Chairlift song! It reminds me of fall for some reason..and San Francisco

Pink Blog Girl said...

These songs are great!! Rooney, Lenka, Chairlift, Vampire Weekend...ear candy for sure <3

jess said...

I need to check some of these out!

Rick said...

I need to check some of these out too. in terms of listening selections, as you know, I've been listening to lots of MJ & Prince lately :) hope you had a great Monday!

Kallie, Happy Honey and Lark said...

the pomplemoose cover of lady gaga's telephone. ohmygod its awesome. also, i love almost famous too! its pretty much why I bought the nail polish :)

Grumpy old man said...

Hello Erika, thanks for commenting on my last post. The mystery legs? No, good guesses all of them, all of them are my favorites, however those legs belong to Ciara. I think in all of the USA, she must have the strongest shaped legs. Well shaped, but a mite to muscly to be really feminine, if you know what I mean.
Thanks again and have a lovely day.

Francy said...

Love your list! I can't stop listening to the Gin Blossoms right now!

Tamanna A. Shaikh said...

haven't heard a lot of these Erica but promise I will because you are just so good at antyhing, I am sure I'll love each one here!! And what a coincidence, I just did a playlist post myself! :P :)

Unknown said...

I like ke$ha. Haven't heard kiss n tell yet but now I'm going to! I wonder why she spells it that way...

And thank you for your comment! Me and my hubby are such dorks. But I love it.

Anonymous said...

Thanks so much for these! Come Around was my theme last summer, so it always reminds me of warm drives with special friends and lots of late-night coffee!

Ripped Nylon

Death Wears Diamond Jewellery said...

how to say goodbye is so beautiful...

Yulia Rahmawati said...

love the lists

by the way
wanna exchange link???

Get Up,Survive, Go Back To The Bed

SabinePsynopsis said...

Finally started putting together a playlist and discovered the greatest songs again, e.g. Staying Alive from the Bee Gees (but the Wyclef Jean version is a close contender). Now I appreciate your Play it Again posts EVEN MORE, Erika. xx

Marit said...

Love your list! I've been listening allot to a song called Happyland, with Amanda Jenssen, loves it;)

Christina Lee said...

I've got no songs in my head today--time to turn on my pandora radio!

Absolutely Ladylike said...

Sade: Feel No Pain...I can't get enough of that :-)

Hope you're having a great start of this week, cheers: Evi

Anonymous said...

i should have been after you

how are you erika .
yeah thats nice post

enjoy the day

Iva Messy said...

TIMBA!!!! WOOHOOO!!! and I totally eat my peanut butter like that too LOL

Sleepingviolet said...

vampire weekend :)

ediot said...

nice playlist. i gotta check out mia-timbaland. sounds very interesting!!

xx ediot

Jaime @ laviejaime said...

I love all things Vampire Weekend! :)

Cafe Pasadena said...

I like Buzzin' but don't hear it much on the radio.

What's that girl wearing in your pic??

Leeann @ Join the Gossip said...

Love Shwayze! And I bought Ke$sha's album the week it came out haha!

Carlis said...

More new sons for my little ipod! I love Kiss & Tell by Ke$ha! sooo good! you always make my days a little brighter with your wonderful play list.
spicy Candy!

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