I remember those projects as if they were completed just yesterday; thus the reason I immediately thought of such elementary undertakings the moment I received the e-mail from Shira at WOM World/Nokia asking me if I would be so kind as to welcome the Nokia N97 Mini into my tech-savvy existence for two weeks to try out the fabulous phone known for its ability to combine style, communication, and technology into one pocket-sized package.
Despite the fact that my handbag is already home to a beloved BlackBerry and perky pink 16GB iPod Nano, not to mention more tubes of lip gloss than any sane person could possibly need, the offer of having the opportunity to try out such a fantastic new product was truly too great to refuse – therefore, I didn’t; and I could not be more pleased with my decision!

Harboring the ability to work as a touchscreen device a la the iPhone, or via a QWERTY keypad featuring a tilted screen that reduces the “glare” problem often encountered by the typical cell phone accessory which features a screen that lies flat; Mini is truly a magical gadget with a home screen that caters to your most frequented themes – a personalization that makes navigation to your favorite widgets (i.e. Facebook and e-mail) an absolute cinch!
But I digress; as a loyal BlackBerry user (I’ve yet to try the iPhone myself), I do find that navigating the World Wide Web with my BB is a far simpler and more enjoyable experience than with the Mini. Nevertheless, it is an adorable little device; and the fact that it retains the ability to cater to either preference of the user – be it QWERTY or touchscreen – is quite an appealing factor that would unquestionably play into one’s final decision before purchase.

Tell me kitty cats, what type of phone do you call your own? Better yet, what type of phone do you wish you could call your own?
Fashionably yours!
Thanks to Mail2Web, GSM Arena, and Tech2 for the pictures.
Don't forget to enter the Real Fashionistas Wear Aprons Giveaway for your chance to win a fabulous retro/vintage apron from Christa Taylor.
I used to be addicted of phones way back when I was single. Seems like I had the latest phones but not anymore. I'm glad though hubby surprised me and gave me a touchscreen Samsung phone.
Love those phones btw, my dear!
I have an iphone and I am in love with it! xo
I would love to have that new Nokia,lucky you!Have a fab day!
Just got the Droid and I love it!
I like to have a new iPhone!
I have the sprint instinct, but would love to have a phone with a flip keyboard!
haha you're full purse sounds like mine! ;) i'm a iphone fan!
Haha love this!
I own the Samsung Propel (I just figured out what it was called a few days ago!)
I would die to own the Blackberry Storm. Touch screen both ways!! (Though all those Iphone apps are pretty tempting!)
Looks like a great phone, but I'm addicted to the Crackberry! We've parted ways since it died on me and I refuse to renew my 2 year contract with Sprint, but I hope to be reunited again in June. And though I like the iPhone, I don't think I'd ever favor it over my beloved BB.
Its beautiful! But it would be so hard to get used too..I'm sure I could do it.
Very cool!
I have too many devices, including a Sprint Rumor (I like because of the pullout typing pad for texting); a blackberry and Itouch. And now I have my sights on the iPad (although not a phone). gadgets, gadgets, gadgets! :)
Cute phone! Having had Nokias before I know they offer high quality. :) That said, I'm a Crackberry user now. Maybe an iPhone next. I know, gasp!
Omg this phone looks fabulous. I wish I had a cool phone!! Sigh.
I hope you are having a fabulous week. :)
I'm a blackberry girl, but I love your review!
Oh how cool! I really like that you gave a honest review! :)
I have a samsung vu, or at least I had one, then I broke it, then got the "upgrade" to a vu. It's nice...but I would trade it for a BB anyday!
I don't think anything could tear me away from my beloved iPhone!
I know, they are awesome phones.I have the n97 "big" one and it's a great phone...but I love my Iphone more
That phone looks sooo cool. Do you know what services are going to use it...
Ooh, fun tech toys! I've been thinking lately that I need a cell phone update... blackberry? iPhone?? I just don't know... and is it weird that I want both style and functionality in a phone? I thought not :)
xoxo J
I'm such a nerd I always felt bad for those stuffed animals...I always worried that their parents would miss them.
I have an iphone but I hate not having buttons for the keys. I'm always messing them up :(
I have my sights set on a purple blackberry, yes please.
Stay safe and chic ma chérie,
English Rose x
I have an Iphone and I truly love it. There's nothing better than having your music, internet, email, and calling abilities with you all the time :)
I really love my iphone. I think I'd buy bottled water if Apple sold it. :)
I wish that was my phone. its adorable. I'm all about electronics that aren't super small or I'd never be able to fish them out of my bag.
Your story about the traveling teddy is too cute. I wish my students were old enough to do that!!
Sounds like a great phone! I'll definitely have to check it out in person since it's (thankfully) time to upgrade!
thanks for the info !
Happy Easter
I really would like a new phone, my phone is functional but not my favorite. I would love to have an Iphone!!
i currently own a tiny,
cute, purple LG flip phone, but i'm dreaming of an iphone.. and will get one just as soon as they get a little less expensive...
It looks like a cute phone.
I have a Motorola Droid. I absolutely love it. It's perfect! Unlike most of the people in the world, I just do not see the appeal of the iPhone...
My iPhone is my best friend. :)
I'm addicted to Nokia phones. I just bought the X6 and it is amazing! Nokia's world of music is definitely one to rival itunes.
Team Blackberry! :)
This looks cuuute though! XOXO
Great review, Erika! I am waiting for the i-phone to come over to Verizon. Then I will buy that! I just love my Apple products too much to get any other smart phone!
I'm not sure I could give up my iPhone. It does everything for me.
I have an Iphone and I barely know how to use it. Ah ha ha
i love nokia phones they're so great! im not sure which phone im gonna upgrade to next.. im on at&t so iphone is all the rage!
this sounds pretty good, but I've alwayssss wanted a blackberry... if only I could stop spending money on clothes and save up for one! haha!
ok first of all OMG! re: your comment to me; i too spied on everyone and wrote down everything they did! my neighbors (I actually hung around them sometimes and snuck an "on" tape recorder in my pocket and recorded everything, LOL how andy warhol of me), my parents, my cats. yes, i would "spy" on my cats and write down their movements in a spiral notebook. wow, i was so weirdddd, wait i still am ;)
ok, this post. I have been thinking recently that I need to join the 21st century and get some sort of phone like this, I have the dorkiest most 2001-esqe lil' phone ever, it doesn't even have a camera :P
<3 ya!
In reply to your comment: I'm glad you like the idea! You don't have to know how to sew to help with it, you could just send an already made one (like from a store) in. :)
Damn I need a new phone.. all mine does is make calls and texts hahaha. I'd love an iPhone so I could blog on the go!
hi darling. youre so kind to me. i have an iphone. and it does it all for me. seriously. its so great. im happy it still works. as ive heard lots of bad things have happened to other iphones.- causal deaths and so on.. mine is still acting kind and trustworthy.which is good. i use it all the time. - addicted to checking my mail.. haha
have an LOvely weekend. and HappY easter darling you!
xx ediot
this is cool description about n-97
n-series , is in fame
i dont think it has better features than apple
but nice
one thing is sure nokia company is the best in quality
This Nokia is a great prize you're giving away!
I'm an iphone girl...that being said it's so ridiculously addicting that I swear my boyfriend and I no longer talk to each other when we are out at restaurants because we're to busy playing with the phone! It's not healthy!
oh my gosh that is such a cute project idea!! totally remembering that for when i'm a teacher!
i have an iphone. i was a hard core bb user but really the iphone is amazing
I've been having some serious phone issues lately and have reverted back to my ancient flip phone from freshman year in high school... Old, but certainly reliable! I'd absolutely LOVE a BlackBerry, though.
xxoo Josie
I don't really have a favorite type of phone, but I recal being obssesed with having the latest style a year or two ago, I gues now I would want an iphone...emm, don't really need one. I am satisfied.
I don't really have a favorite type of phone, but I recal being obssesed with having the latest style a year or two ago, I gues now I would want an iphone...emm, don't really need one. I am satisfied.
I don't really have a favorite type of phone, but I recal being obssesed with having the latest style a year or two ago, I gues now I would want an iphone...emm, don't really need one. I am satisfied.
I don't really have a favorite type of phone, but I recal being obssesed with having the latest style a year or two ago, I gues now I would want an iphone...emm, don't really need one. I am satisfied.
I don't really have a favorite type of phone, but I recall being obssesed with having the latest style a year or two ago, I gues now I would want an iphone...emm, don't really need one. I am satisfied.
Oh i love hip to p slide phones eith qwerty key boards. I just have a boring nokia work phone, but i have more than enough credit and I don't have to pay for it so I don't care so much
you know, I adore my simple year 2000 advance level phone but the more I see this phone in reviews, the more fond I'm growing of it.
Job well done then, promotion peeps :D
I love my iphone, but this one looks pretty nice too! *contemplates*
I have it in white, it's amazing!
xoxo Sootjeelina <3
i have a samsung omnia, but i really want a blackberry storm :) sigh...
great blog!
stop by some time xx
p.s. you're more than welcome for the award! :)
I'm an iPhone girl - I was very stubborn before getting it that I didn't want it. I was actually mad (bratty, eh). But then I got it, and within a day I was hopelessly converted. Now I cannot live without it. Shameful, I know...
I have an iphone and I don't know how I EVER lived without her!! ;-)
N series?
I prefer E series of nokia or X series of nokia,,,,
I am an iphone user and I simply cannot be without it! A little unhealthy I know but it keeps me in touch with everything!
I have a LG shine and I hate it. I want either an iphone or a droid!
Now i own an awesome black LG but I'm going to buy my first Blackberry very soon, yeeey :) And I love your review!
Have a great weekend and happy Easter!
Cool review Erika! I like how this phone gives you the option to use either touch or qwerty keyboard, that's such a nice feature to have.
Omg, omg - i looove Nokia N97 :)
If i wouldn't be so careless with my mobile phone, I would buy this cute, little thing, BUT... :D
Nice blog btw ;)
I'm the new one in this blog thing, but if u wanna visit mine, then welcome :)
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